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Everything posted by Politer

  1. Kirov has run dry . There is no information at all about features and release dates for version 9 .Perhaps it is time to look for alternatives . Regards - Paul
  2. Hi Ken , there are certainly different views on how to educate children . But you are right - in the meantime I feel like a child in that context and I thought originally that I would be a customer . Regards - Paul
  3. There are a lot of UNKNOWNS around - more than ever before in that forum - when will the new Version come ? - what will the new Version deliver ? Regards - Paul
  4. Will the next major upgrade of PTE to Version 9 include the Color Management Feature ? Thanks - Paul
  5. Igor , thanks for your effort . I assume that the right picture reflects my current Monitor Profile (like any other Windows application which supports Color Management and applications like Photoshop ) . I believe that is what I asked for several times . Regards - Paul PS: all the Pictures , I displayed with your test , look by far better in the Color management version
  6. Hi Xaver , thanks for your view . For the Color profiles I use already your suggested XnView-route , which requires some handling outside PTE. I am talking about Basics as I think that exact colours and a manually contolled slide show with some audio controls are basic requirements from a user which originates from an oldfashioned slide show on the basis of a slide-projector . Hi Lin , thanks for your proposal . The navigation bar is not my favourite presentation element . In fact , I have bought some additional software (VOLCON) which allows volume control (invisible) for my purposes . Best regards , hopefully somebody will also care for things which are not that 'glittering' . - Paul
  7. I am just testing the 8.0 beta-versions . Congratulations to the impressive list of new functions and their implementation . But ... not all PTE-users will make use of the complete range of the offered sophisticated features . There are certainly also users , like me , who are using PTE to assemble simple manually contolled slide-shows to present their slides to some friends in an home environment . Manual control does allow to have free discussions about the slides and the stories behind them of not predefined length . In this field of application PTE shows in my oppinion weaknesses - there is no support within PTE for Color profiles for the chosen presentation medium - Monitor , TV , Beamer . Correct display of colours is therefore impossible (when PTE is the only SW to support the show) - the support for Audio is optimised with respect to the timeline only . Features like : Change of an Audio title with the beginning of a certain slide , required controls eg. volume control independant of the timeline are only achievable with difficulties or not at all . Therefore my question : should a sophisticated product like PTE not also insist on basic functions for basic users? Thanks - Paul
  8. My target : produce a manually controlled show where defined audio-titles will start at defined slides . As a solution in PTE 7.5.3 , I run several concatenated shows which start with these slides and the wanted audio-titles . Draw-Back : as I can't predict the current audio-title (manual control) there will be an angry 'break' in the music performance when changing to the next show which allows to fade-in the first title. Proposal : during the display of the last slide of a show allow for a defined fade-out of the current audio-title. This could be related to a button which when activated initiates the fade-out . For me a fixed / standard fade-out time would be sufficient . Regards - Paul
  9. Igor , with the new Beta-version I can't reproduce my 'out of memory' - problems of version 7.5.2 running concatenated shows . Thanks for your excellent support - Paul
  10. Igor , could it be that there is a connection to my problem earlier reported - Bug ? concatenated shows ? Perhaps the fix you are working on will also solve my problem , which still occurs from time to time . Regards - Politer
  11. Is there any view of or response to Xavers's description of the differences between versions 7.0 and 7.5 ? Regards and merry Xmas - Paul
  12. Igor , here are the figures CPU 5% Physical storage 38% Picturetoexe.exe 59.192 k Pteview5.exe 94.304 k Regards - Paul
  13. Igor , I have sent you in the meantime a PM with the ZIP-versions of the 2 shows . Here the requested info (I hope) - MS Windows 7 64-bit SP1 - AMD Athlon II X2 250 Processor , 4 GB RAM - Physical Storage (before running the first show ) 37% , CPU Usage 7% Thanks for your support - Paul
  14. Igor , I tried hard to reproduce the error ( I have changed my first EXE-file in the meantime) . After a lot of trials I could make it happen again running the first show in the PREVIEW-Mode (as .pte) - the last slide calling the 2nd EXE . This time the error was given from PTE5Viewer.exe in line 00016393 . Here the figures you asked for 1. 1st EXE - 18.007KB 2nd EXE - 13.987KB 2. First project only has 6 slides - 5 of them with only one image / 1 with 2 images - typical size of image 1.5MB 3. Task Manager shows 94.920K for PTE-exe I hope , this will help . Regards - Paul
  15. Yachtsman1, Dave Difficult questions for me ... but I give it a try - AMD Athlon II x2 250 Processor 3000 MHz , 2 Cores - 4 GB RAM - ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series , Adapter RAM 1GB - Hardware Acceleration - couldn't find that - Windows 7 Prof. Service Pack 1 Build 7601 - X64 PC Regards - Paul
  16. Dave , both EXEs have been generated with exactly the same (actual) version 7.5.1 (not beta) . Details of my system - what is actually required ? - Windows 7 , PTE installed on Drive C in Program Files X(86) Thanks again - Paul
  17. Hi Dave , both EXEs have been generated under PTE-version 7.5.1 . My operating system is WIN7 too. The trial with your suggested 'Run application' doesn't produce the experienced error message . Probably I can live with this workaround . But hopefully , somebody will care about an apparent bug in the software . Thank you very much for your help - Paul
  18. ExceptionE Out of memory occurs randomly - running an EXE under manual control (switching to next slide manually) - reaching the last slide of the first EXE the next manual slide-change should call the 2nd EXE (Defined by Project options - Run slideshow / Run only when last slide has been shown) - in this very moment the error message is produced (related to the first EXE) Please see attached Screen-Shot Errorscreen.doc Regards-Paul
  19. Politer


    Xaver , Danke für Deine Hilfe . Vermutlich glaubst Du , dass die vorherige 'Bug'-Meldung wenig Aussicht auf Erfolg hat . Deine neue Methode ist vom Handling sehr aufwendig - ich habe sie gerade einmal ausprobiert . Ergebnis : im Prinzip ist sie einsetzbar - das Problem des abrupten Abbruchs des alten Sounds beim Übergang auf den neuen Sound ist auch hier gegeben . Vielleicht kann man hier über die eingeblendete Navigation Bar etwas manuell bewirken Aber ....Neues Problem : Häufig steigt das Programm (bei Aufruf der folgenden EXE) mit einem 'EXCEPTION E Out of Memory in module ....' in der zu Ende gehenden EXE aus . Weiterer Bug ???? Ein schönes Wochenende - Paul
  20. Just to add some info : in version 7.07 the processing is different and seems to be ok . Bug in v 7.5.1 ??? Regards - Paul
  21. Politer


    Xaver , ich habe bei beiden Versionen die sound-tracks an die Slides gehängt - also nicht über das Project-Audio . Paul
  22. Politer


    Xaver , vielen Dank für Deine schnelle Hilfe . Ich habe Deinen Vorschlag ausprobiert . Leider funktioniert das manuelle Weiterschalten von einem Slide zum anderen nach dieser Methode bei eingeschalteter Musik nicht korrekt - beim Bildwechsel setzt die Musik einen Moment aus , um dann an anderer Stelle im gleichen Sound wieder zu beginnen . Ich habe dies mit der Version 7.5.1 ausprobiert . Hast Du evtl. noch einen Rat ? Gerade habe Deine Methode noch einmal mit Version 7.07 ausprobiert - hier scheint alles wie geplant zu funktionieren . Also - Bug in 7.5.1 ??? Danke - Paul
  23. Politer


    Hat jemand Erfahrungen , wie man bei einer manuell kontrollierten Bildfolge (zB. per Mausklick ) die Begleitmusik kontrollieren kann ? Ich möchte mehrere Musiktitel nacheinander abspielen lassen , um dann bei einem ganz bestimmten Bild (also wegen manueller Kontrolle bei nicht vorhersehbarer Zei) auf einen anderen Titel zu wechseln und nach einer bestimmten Zeit (oder auch Bild ) wieder in die ursprüngliche Musiksequenz zurückzukehren . Vielen Dank für evtl. Vorschläge - Paul
  24. Hallo , als sporadischer Anwender von PTE habe ich mir vorgenommen , mich tiefer in die Anwendung speziell der neuen Version 7.5 einzuarbeiten . Meine Frage : welche Dokumentationen und Hilfsmittel sind für die (effektive) Einarbeitung zu empfehlen ? Englisch-Kenntnisse sind vorhanden - mit Französisch habe ich eher Probleme . Danke für Eure Anregungen - Paul
  25. Xaver , thank you very much for your help. I tried your suggested route - Batch process with XnView to produce copies with the included ICC conversion for PTE - it really works and will offer a workaround to use PTE . Nevertheless , I still feel that PTE would benefit from my proposal to work directly with monitor/TV/Beamer - Profiles . I can't judge what effort would be involved to upgrade PTE by this feature - the PTE-experts will know that better and hopefully they will share their judgement with us . MOBJECTS shows that it can be done - I agree that the product is playing in a higher class but even the (PTE-)comparable BASE-version offers my proposed feature . Again , thanks a lot and greetings fom Cologne to Munich - Paul
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