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Everything posted by Politer

  1. Ken , thanks for your thoughts . I understand that you are saying - don't use profiles and PTE therefore doesn't need to incorporate profiles . This will be a problem for those users who rely on products like EIZO , Quato ... with their tailored calibration tools to produce monitor profiles . These users produce with the aid of these monitors nice pictures which can and normally will , when shown with PTE , have other colors than expected by the users. Thanks - Paul
  2. PTE should take into account MONITOR PROFILES , which have been generated for the monitor by products like Datacolor Spyder , Xrite I1 Display Pro etc. This is required to view the pictures in exactly the way they were overworked in products like Adobe PS CS5 etc. EXE-Files should behave in the same manner - if there are issues with feasibility or performance , a workaround could be to incorporate the Monitor profile during EXE-generation . I am convinced that PTE would benfit a lot from the proposed extensions . Thanks - Paul
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