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  1. Full screen 4:3 1024x768 And sorry new at this software
  2. did you get my last mes.
  3. I'll start from the bottom of your Q's NTSC DVD player images are reduced to 2400x1200 project size says its 38.8 meg in DVD-video disc builder AR ????
  4. there are not to many changes I could find that I could do in PTE
  5. I researched what you told me to and found that a lot of people are using deferent software to burn or convert the flies. All I use is PTE to do it all would that be the problem? It goes all the way through and burns the DVD through the PTE software. Am I suppose to do the AVI first then burn on another software?
  6. I'm just having a problem getting a good Q high res DVD burnt??? Is the problem I'm having I create everything in the PTE software and select publish DVD and it does it all for me???
  7. Not sure were to begin, in project options screen tab unsharp mask:static 70, Mode: fullscreen, Size of slide 2400x2400, fixed size of slide is checked,use hardware acceleration(dx9), then I publish it DVD video disc, and burn disc.
  8. Have a problem with 7.0.7 deluxe. Everything is looks and runs great then I burn a DVD and put it in my DVDplayer and I can hardly tell whos, whos because the res is so low and I am using high res images. Can anybody help?
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