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Ed Cordes

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Everything posted by Ed Cordes

  1. OK Problem is solved. Xaver was correct. Saving the image with the monitor profile created correct colors. While this worked, I am really going to advocate that PTE be made a color managed software package. We spend a lot of time ensuring our images are in the correct color space and our monitors are calibrated. A color managed work flow is the standard we try to follow. I would suggest that sRGB be the "normal" color space to make our work flow consistent. So, Thanks Xaver for having the patience to work with me. If PTE could be color managed it would be great. Regards, Ed
  2. Thanks again. I will try this when I get home from work tonight and report back. Ed
  3. Thanks for your input Xaver. While you present an interesting thought my monitor does not have a specific color space assignment. I use an X-Rite i-One calibration device and re calibrate about every month, so the profile will vary. It is also puzzling that I did not notice this issue in previous versions of PTE. I will see how the images project when I present the show. Thanks again, Ed
  4. OK I read the links generously provided by Peter. Unfortunately I don't think they directly apply. All my images for this show were batch processed to sRGB converted to jpeg and resized by Light Room 4.3 from Tif files - in the same batch and at the same time. The issue I have is extra red and overall saturation. I will try to convert the most obviously over done file using CS6 Save For Web to see if there is a difference. One of the puzzling aspects is when I right click on the image in PTE and open it in Windows Image Preview, or any other image viewing program, the image presentation is correct. This leads me to beleive the image itself is OK but the PTE presentation is in error. Now, of course what I do not know is what the image will look like when projected or on a TV. I have not yet built the video yet as the show is still a work in progress. Thanks for all suggestions.
  5. Thanks Peter. I'll check them out now.
  6. I have been using PTE for several years. Since upgrading to 7.5 I have noticed an occasional color shift in my images in a slide show. I am using Win 7 64 bit. I have a calibrated monitor with a graphics quality isp panel. My work flow is to process Canon RAW files in Light Room and Photoshop. I then flatten, convert them to sRGB, and 8 bit and then re size them for the proper show output in jpeg format - usually 1920 X 1080. While this issue is not evident on every image I do notice a shift to more red and higher overall saturation of many images in a show. When I go back tot he original image the colors are correct. If I right click the image in PTE and open it in Windows Picture viewer of something like it the colors are correct. The only place the colors are wrong is in the slide show. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Ed
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