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  1. This is a single keyboard shortcut. That's all I'm asking here. Pretty insignificant changes to the application are required. This discussion wasn't meant to be about mouse-based navigation, or these other navigation techniques. It's not that they are invalid. They each have their place. Sorry but it's meant to be one concise feature suggestion per thread. That's the rule. Topic description is updated to make that a little clearer. ================================================================================== Pop-quiz. Did you know? There are 4 very different use-cases put forward in this discussion. a) Use case A: I have a *mouse*. Don't have a keyboard and/or don't want to use the keyboard. B)/> Use case B: I have a *keyboard*. Don't have a mouse and/or don't want to use the mouse. c) Use case C: I know my presentation very well. Its reasonably short in length (# slides less than 20). d) Use case D: I don't know my presentation so well. Its a reasonably large in length (# slides over 50). Now here's the rub: * You cannot solve the use-cases A and C with a solution that was designed for B + D. * You cannot solve use-cases B+D with solutions for either A or C.
  2. * *Optional* feature to be specified on/off during slideshow .exe creation. * Auto-saves the current slide position whenever you exit the .exe viewer. * When you re-open the .exe slideshow viewer, it opens directly into the last slide known slide position (eg "33/105"). Reason: ======== * For much longer presenation files - eg up to 100 slides. * It's awkward / unprofessional to be there scrolling back trying to remember the place where we had finished previously in the last session. * Looks cool. Technical suggestion: ===================== The setting might be saved either to 1) A .INF file (created into the same folder as the .exe viewer) **. 2) Or if not INF file, then hard-code each presentation to random GUID key. Then save the slide position to the Windows registry. The slide number position can be as small as 4 bytes for a uint32_t value. Using the Registry way might pollute the registry 1 GUID key per slideshow ***. If using Registry sounds bad, so use .INF file then. ** This feature is optional so presentations compiled without the feature enabled won't ever need to write the INF file. *** Windows now has better management and cleaning of the registry user data with Windows 8 - "refresh" / "restore" / "reset".
  3. * A keyboard shortcut specifically for navigating long presentations, eg 50-100 slides. * The Key combination (Ctrl+Left/Right?), will jump 5x slides for each single-press. * Otherwise we are left forever pressing Left/Right button too many times to get through to the middle / end of the presentation.
  4. This program is pretty great really. However like all of the other ones, it cannot seem to produce an .exe file that will toggle between a fullscreen and a Windowed mode. Is this possible? It would be a great feature. For example, pressing "f" to toggle Windowed / Fullscreen mode. Nothing too elaborate. Hehe.
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