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About litebearer

  • Birthday 01/13/1946

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  1. oops, sorry --- beechbrook.com "A gift of flowers"
  2. Just uploaded a small presentation that I put together for the 83 year old mother of a very dear friend. Thought I might get some opinions. Put it on a business card size cd with custom labeling. thanks, Nick...
  3. web attack - avi to mpg
  4. have you tried only playng 1 mp3 file?
  5. As it rebuilding of this forum is in process, and as Christmas is fast approaching, it seems appropriate that the PTE Users' Wish List be rekindled. I for one would like to see the ability of having a more flexible/powerful "goto" feature. Presently the feature apears to be "object dependent" (IF there is an object AND there is a mouse click THEN goto). Perhaps a simple slide option of "If this box checked, on endof slide GOTO" could be implemented - this goto could either be to goto another silde or even to start another show. Nick...
  6. Hi... Nice to see things returning to normal. Nick...
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