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3rd Image

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About 3rd Image

  • Birthday 07/09/1947

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    Glenavy Northern Ireland
  • Interests
    Photography, Sailing, Motorboating, Sound/Voice Reinforcement, Gardening

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  1. Sorry for the delay in responding - been busy preparing for our NI AV festival this weekend so haven't been on the forum for some time. I originally bought v4 in 2006 (I think). Currently have 7.0.7 as advised - I dont like 7.5. I never had the video builder, (so licence is not an issue) but was able to make SVCD disks in 6. This option seems to have dissapeared in v7.
  2. Hi Mark Have you got your entry in for thr NIPA festival? Whilst there isn't a direct award for your type of AV, if there is enough interest from "slideshow" makers, the committee will seriously consider how they can be catered for better in the future. Ross
  3. I know that I now have 7.07 Ken. I haven't downloaded the Upgrade for de luxe yet. thanks
  4. Thank you Gerard. I have downloaded 7.07. Will the upgrade as described on your last link be available for use with 7.07? Is there anything else I have to do after downloading it to make it available for 7.07? My confusion is because the upgrade is described as 7.5 Delux Ross
  5. My link For those who haven't seen it yet, the Northern Ireland Photgraphic Association's annual AudioVisual festival will be held at Ballyearl Theatre Newtownabbey on 15 16 Feb. Full details can be found at the NIPA website. Link above.
  6. Thanks DaveG I may be a bit thick - 2 further questions: Why do you say v7.0.7 would be advisable? How do I get it and how do I buy the key? Sorry!!! Ross
  7. I'm very keen that DVD should be retained. I have no other way of showing on TV. I'm currently on another thread trying to see how I can get a version of video builder to run with v 7.0.4. I dont wish to upgrade to v 7.5 Ross
  8. Robertg I understand the point about the 2 year life of video builder. The point is, I am trying to get a version of video builder to run on v7.0.4 of P2E without upgrading to v7.5. Can you help in this regard Ross
  9. Igor I have been a user of P2E since 2006 and have found it to be ideal for my use. Previously a twin projector user with slides and sound track pulsed for slide changes. I have seen steady improvements up to v 7.0.4 which I now use. I have tried v7.5 but have found it to be cumbersome with many of the useful features of previous versions hard to find. I do not find it as intuitive as previous versions. I'm sure there are many new and improved features in it which would be useful but fiknd it difficult to get at. My main issue however is with the slide thumbnails visable along with the time line and the large space at the bottom of the screen for waveforms. This reduces the effective screen area for all other features. I do not see the point of the thumbs present on the timelime. In many cases they cant be seen anyway as some transitions are extreamly short. I use third party sound editing software and have little use for multiple tracks. Could some thought be given to an option where only the sound tracks as appear in v7 are available, and a option included to remove the thumbs from the timeline. I'm sure the other improvements will be very welcome. On another topic, I would like to be able to burn DVDs with the plugin software - but for v7. When I go to download this, all that appears to be available is an upgrade to 7.5 along with the plugin - or am I reading this wrong. Ross
  10. Gentlemen All very interesting but as a newly joined member - how far have you got in formulating a solution for the problem? Ross
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