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About DawnG

  • Birthday 04/08/1957

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    Arizona Desert
  • Interests
    Horses, dogs, all animals, drag racing, international travel

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  1. Thanks Dave You are a bit more advanced than I am so I hope I am gleaning most of what you are saying. The show I assembled has 2 images per slide and they roll or spin in slowly in different ways on every one. I found the aspect ratio control....but I only see 3:2. A quick application of this takes horizontal images and cuts them in half. I found where I can replace the image....so glad! From what you are explaining I still have a lot to learn I am also: DG
  2. I looked over the list of tutorials but didn't see this mentioned... If I make a slide show and save it as a template, when I open it, is it customizable to where i can just insert new photos into the slides and they replace what is there even if the orientation is different? Thanks for any insight Dawn
  3. I know that feeling Goddi! I also do custom pet portraits from someone's own photos....removing the pet from the original and blending them into a 'fantasy' scene. I have offered to do it for friends and neighbors.....and then having them for display....but most decline. WHY???? It's FREE!! Sometimes it's more bother than it's worth.....and disappointing especially in your case. Just a wonderful thoughtful gesture is ignored. So sad.......
  4. Thank you JudyKay for your input....truly appreciated. I know I won't be wealthy doing this type of work but I just don't know where to start really. I am wondering if $200 - 300 is too much to ask. I know my time is worth FAR more than that but it would be supplemental income and as you mentioned a labor of love doing something thoughtful for those who need comfort. I just wish I knew a jumping off point of where to start the negotiations....
  5. Thanks Gary.....will look deeply into it. Very interested in pursuing this....
  6. Lin as always thank you for such a detailed response.....always a joy to read I understand the brazen that think they can do what we do by flicking a switch. The 20+ years I professionally photographed weddings I ran into such dreamers who thought they could do the same as I did with no experience and a $200 camera. I think they realized quickly enough that wasn't the case. What a fantastic arrangement you had with the gallery. Wonderful business ethics will win you respect and contacts. I am not sure how the funeral homes work these things but I am guessing I would just deal with them and not the families. My sister in law lost both her husband and mother, and was the main photo arranger for those slide shows. I understood she had to get them to the facility within a certain time frame and they took care of it being part of the 'package'. But I will check with her on that. Thanks so much for the insight.... Dawn
  7. I am so very intrigued with the photobook idea Gary......thank you so much for introducing me to it. I know I will eventually figure it all out but could you please just give me an idea of how you work this? Do you charge for your time to collect and digitize the photos and then upload the book for your customers to buy......or can you set the price from blurb for your books? Just curious.... I am working on a sample slide show of my mother who I heartbreakingly lost almost 7 years ago. Most of the photos are old, needless to say, and some are blurry. I know in putting a book together like this from old photos that some will be less than ideal, but do you try to fix the ones with tears and spots? I know I will probably find myself doing that just to make sure they are happy with them..... Dawn
  8. Ron I know it will be stressful.....somewhat prepared for that. I have a small print scanner and slide converter connected to my computer to help reduce time involved. Years ago we used to do this for a living. Only we had to shoot every photo by S-VHS camera on a camera stand, and with 2 video tapes both having 1/2 the photos, we would blend them using 2 play decks and a recording deck. Talk about TIME consuming! Luckily most of the time it was time sensitive like this project will be.....but around the holidays we had to rush through several orders and it was not fun. All I can do is try it and see if I can handle it...... Dawn
  9. What a wonderful idea Gary.....I am sure it really meant a lot to her. If she was willing to pay you several hundred dollars she must be a REAL friend! I have never heard of blurb but you can bet I will surely check it out. I know this will be a bit stressful work since it needs to be done in a day or two at at the most for a service.....but I think I can handle a couple a week if the pay makes it worthwhile. Thank you so so much for your response and I will let you know what I experience with my approach
  10. Hi Everyone....hope you all had the BEST Christmas! Now the fun is it to keep warm during this arctic freeze over most of the northern states! I don't know if anyone will even have any idea about this....but I was considering approaching my local funeral homes offering my services to create memorial slide show videos for the families. A lot of them already include this in their 'packages' and perhaps the local facilities already have someone who does it....but with the versatility of PTE I think I may have a bit more of a creative edge than some The problem is I have no idea how to price it. If I come in too low than I am cheating myself for the work involved. Needless to say If I come in too high I will never even be considered. Any ideas???? Thanks in advance! Dawn
  11. Thanks Dave for this style.....will work great for wedding demos! :)
  12. Thanks so much Tom! Such detail! I put in a ticket with the host tech support yesterday and have not heard back from them. When I do I will show them the info you gave me in both posts. I need to get this problem eradicated. Thanks so so much!
  13. Thank you Ken for trying. I love doing the restorations.....but sure does consume a lot of time
  14. Thanks for your time Tom......very interesting situation. While I was on the phone with my host tech support yesterday he was getting the exact same results I was. I will give them this info. Thanks again
  15. Thank you again so much Lin I apologize I should have checked with my host first but didn't think it was anything there. They are working now to try to figure it out. The reason I came here first was because of a problem I just had. I transferred all of our home vhs films to dvd, and went through PTE with all of them for titling. Every single one came out great....except for the last one a few days ago after recently upgrading to windows 10. In the finished copies of this last one there is ghosting, the effect of old film flipping and blur. None of which turned up in the others and none of those issues are in the original. I thought perhaps somehow windows 10 was causing issues. I hesitate giving these to family because they are that poor Anyone else having any problems like this?
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