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Everything posted by DawnG

  1. I have been transferring a lot of old vhs and high 8 family movies and then burning to a dvd. So far have created more than 20. Today I am getting a very strange error message and will include the screenshot below. One other question..... It started as an occasional problem so I didn't worry too much about it but now it happens sometimes several times a day. I get the error and blue screen that my pc ran into a problem and needs to restart. The error code is 0XA0000001. I have researched this and some say it is hardware and other say it is the graphics card. Anyone else ever have this issue? I put in a new AMD7700 2 years ago and unless I am mistaken this problem may have started just around then
  2. Thanks Ken.....a lot of helpful info there! So very appreciated
  3. Thanks so much Robert....will check it out! This is all new to me....lotsa homework to do I guess lol
  4. DUH....you're absolutely right Yachtsman....I was not thinking! The software I posted above required separate hardware so I forgot most capture devices have software included. Thanks!
  5. I guess what I am asking is did you need additional software to import the vhs files to convert to mp4? I just need to know what to look for. I found this http://www.nchsoftware.com/goldenvideos/index.html but didn't know if I needed it when I had PTE. But I am guessing PTE is really only good for editing in this application
  6. Hi and THANKS Yachtsman Actually I saw it UK, and went to the USA store across the street In stock! I read a lot of the reviews and it seems the latest ones are the most positive about it....the older ones are not so glowing. Guess some improvements have been made. So I am guessing I can edit and convert right through PTE? What file format will I be working with coming from a Panasonic VHS deck? With the junky software I bought it came through as .mxv format...and no matter what settings I made it kept giving me the error saying the file could not be read. This is all new to me, and all I want to do of course is salvage some old family memories oh archaic video tape lol
  7. I hope I am not showing my 'green' too much by asking this, but I made a mistake of buying some other software and will be returning it pronto. MAGIX is awful from every angle! I am trying to convert old VHS footage to dvd, and have been looking in all the usual places for a good quality USB Video Capture Adapter. Reading a lot of mixed reviews, it seems the software is usually the Achille's heel of the set up. Then I got to thinkin'.....since PTE works with different formats, does it work with this type of production? If not, can anyone tell me what has worked for you? Thanks!
  8. Awwww too bad you didn't get to probably the most interesting part of the town. It was great no one got in your way. Stunning time of day to do this shoot.....superb work!
  9. I will make it a point Bert....love ghost towns! Been to a couple here in Arizona. Is it really as deserted as your photos show, or did you have to 'dissolve' other visitors? Just curious
  10. Beautifully done Bert....makes me want to go there now! Love the introduction to those who may have lived there....
  11. Very well done! It was a lot more crowded than when we went back in early May 2002. I like how the music became more distant as the scenery did
  12. You bet.....well earned
  13. Yes I do appreciate a visual instead of just text......it just helps me grasp it faster. The tutorials are extremely helpful. You guys are just amazing at how much time and effort you put into making this software easier to use and understand. Truly unsung heros!
  14. Absolutely beautiful! Amazing work! Must have taken years of experience and constant practice to pull something like that together. Very impressive I didn't realize, but should have known, there was such a feature in PTE for copying clips. In the manual, where might i find info on this? Video pad is actually the one I used to take the excerpt from the full length wedding video. I struggled with it but somehow made a file of just the area i wanted and was able to import it into the PTE production. Until I can spend more time with it, I could not explain exactly how I did it lol
  15. Thanks ever so much Lin and Yachtsman for your responses. I love hearing of other's experiences..... Lin I lost my loving mother 4 years ago next month, and only last year was I able to put together a slide show about her life for all our family. I did as you did....pics from childhood through her life. I was pretty pleased with it at the time....but looking at it now it is so very basic. Thinking of doing it over again adding a background texture and doing more interesting transitions. You can see the couple I have done here: https://www.facebook.com/theimagefix%C2'> Maybe if you look at the ones I have there you can figure out why it grabs 2 random images and merges them for the intro image. The ones being grabbed are way past the middle of the video *scratches head* The one for my MIL had a very nice animation at the beginning with flowers and butterflies and was specific for mothers....but I see what you mean about being able to make my own. I am stumbling around trying to discover all the wonderful options with this software. I know it will take time and patience.....a couple things I don't always have a lot of lol But knowing how tenacious I am, I will figure it all out in a short amount of time. Will pour over the tutorials! Yachtsman.....loved James Garner.....and what a wonderful tribute to him. Hearing that theme song just brings back so many good memories of the 70's. Love the way you did things with multiple images on a slide. I know there are so many different things that can be done with PTE....I just have to find them all. Intense war video as well. So well done. Will also check out your video tutorials. Helps to see it as well as read it.... One quick question for either or both of you...... What video software to you use to edit actual video from a DVD? When I extracted the section of live video from my daughter's wedding, I used the free version of NCH suite. Is there a better program out there that you recommend?
  16. As sad as it is, I would like to get into making slide shows for wakes and funerals. I just want to give the family some good memories of their loved one. But I would need a couple appropriate animations to begin the video with. My mother in law just passed and I watched the video given to the family, and although the beginning animation was very nicely done, the rest was awful. Every single photo was presented with the same in the blurred background, which is fine, but every one was zooming in or out. It was dizzying! And the same looping song! I was sooooooooo glad when it ended! Anyway I was wondering if anyone knew of a source for this type of animation that I could check into...... Thanks much much in advance
  17. I just wanted to extend a huge huge thank you to all artists here for the imagination and generosity that went into the construction of the transitions and slide styles offered here for our use. I have so many ideas that my head hurts Thank you again for giving those of us without this degree of talent some deep inspiration
  18. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I can see why you moved to where you are now. At least there is life outside the door during the winter
  19. I had to think a moment, but yes I did. I had never added video before and had to research just how to implement it. I was sooooooooooo excited that it worked
  20. It is a screenshot from the video thumbnail on FB. I am still kinda new to the process, so I am not sure how else to publish except to make an MP4. Can you explain in slightly simpler terms
  21. I am from Rhode Island, up until 12 years ago when we escaped to sunny Arizona.....and I just cannot fathom the snow situation back there!!! For years we shuddered about an remake of the blizzard of '78.....every time it snowed everyone ran out to the market to get the 'basics' lol But this year tops anything in my 50+ year memory!! On weather.com it showed 8 foot walls of snow on each side of a shoveled walk! Snow just about up to the top of the door and dogs looking to go outside! Poor babies And one pic showed people trying to remove about 6-8 feet of snow off a roof! It was way up over their heads as they worked to get some of it off before a cave in! And here we are with little to NO winter cool down this year or last. I am still shaking my head.....
  22. Thanks for shaking my cage Ken I was thinking I was the ONLY one who experienced this and didn't think to elaborate. Should do that anyway from now on lol
  23. That is what I thought too.....but it's hard to tell if there is more than 2 images. This happens with every single MP4 I make on FB. When I upload them to my own site I get the black blank start frame with the start arrow.
  24. When I make MP4 for FaceBook, don't know if it's their environment, but instead of a black slide with the arrow to start the video, I get a mish mash of several images. I have included a sample from my latest piece....
  25. Hi Ken, Sorry....didn't mean to disappear into the darkness I double checked the manual and realized the things I hadn't changed was was TV Screen Aspect Ratio to 16:9 and Video Type to 'auto' . Once I made those changes everything look much much better. Though as I said, there were 2 tiny 'ticks' where the transition wasn't smooth, but all the rest of the image bouncing disappeared.
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