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Everything posted by Ednys
Yes I think I quite agree with you Neil. It was just when we were in Arizona last september with some relatives who had never been over here, they were asking lots of questions about castles how, why, by whom they were built etc. I took quite a few photos just so they could see as many aspects of the castle as poss, so they could see what it was all about. I only posted it because I had made it for them and I had it here. Thank you for your reply neil Glenys
Hi all, I have just uploaded another slide show. It is somwhat longer, I am afraid that the concorde one. It is of Conway Castle in North Wales situated at the mouth of the Conway river. We took the photos and made the show for our cousins in Arizona, but thought it would be nice to share one of our old ruins (and I dont mean me)! with the rest of you. Enjoy, coments welcome, Happy Easter to you all. Glenys
Just a quick question. I need to use a couple of features on the V4.48 but I am enjoying using v5 beta... Can I install both versions on one computer in different folders, and will I be able to activate them both with the same activation code.. I have to give a small demo at the camera club and I am setting up a basic intro on my laptop but need to use the navigation bar hence the need for V4, but, then I want to use the v5 to show off it's atributes.. Well some of them! Can someone give me advice. I could try it out but I am not too sure if it would cause problems with the computer... Glenys
Crumbs, What a wonderful effect those waves make, they look good enough to jump into and have a splash around.... You know we can take still photos on video cameras and we can take videos on our still cameras, so the two once separate worlds are much closer together these days, and although I understand previous comments and fears about what is happening to PTE I also find it both exciting and facinating to see what can now be done with a collection of still photographs. This in itself is showing how clever and dedicated some people are. It may be just like the equipment we use, it is an evolving craft and we have to go with the flow. Just a personal thought. Glenys
Hmmmm, Not sure what happened there. I have resubmitted it to your site. Thank you Bill for informing me. Glenys
Hello All, Just uploaded a short show to beechbrook. "Concorde - A Lady in Retirement". Used PTE v5 and a few of the features that I have started to learn. I have to take it slowly as the old grey cells are not as quick as they used to be. I am not too sure how long it takes to show up on beechbrook after upload. Any coments welcome. Glenys
Enjoyed watching the show especially as I can remember these cars.. One of my friends parents had one and we all thought he was so posh. My only disapointment was that all the way through the show I was expecting the final slide to show the car fully resored and looking lovely again. Ah well.. Great show thanks Glenys
Ok Folks, think I have found it. Silly Billy me . It appears to be the overlapping times.....
Igor, or anyone, it is me again... I have downloaded this effect and realy like it and thought of a use for such an effect in a show I am trying to do of my late mum. I cannot quite work out quite how it is done. I have tried to emulate your settings in the o/a window on my slide that I wish to use but I cannot see how you get two 6000ms fade times on the animation line... I can only get one, and if I tell the slide to be 12000 long I have a blank area and the slide only plays to the end of the first 6000 section.... If this makes any sense could someone enlighten me please. Regards Glenys
Sorry Lin about your eye problem and hope you have a full recovery in the not too distant future. Unfortunatley we did not get to see any of those wonderfully painted ceramics whilst in Az, we were whisked from one end of the state to the other and many places in between, but none of the few shops we looked in had any of the items. Ah well maybe another time. Get well soon Glenys
Well It just proves again, not only is this forum a fountain of knowledge about PTE but we learn about new programs and tecniques in using other programs... As for moving the subject on, that is no problem if it encourages a good debate I am all for it. I have been talking to my friend about exactly what she wants doing and we are looking at doing it as separate avi files. Or at least I think I have persuaded her to do it that way! I may well try downloading one of those programs and seeing how far I get with breaking an avi down into still images. Sometimes I have seen what looks like a good shot in some of my video files and this method (that I did no know existed till now) may mean I can get a good still from the avi. Somethimes just doing a capture does not work too well. Mind you I am a past master at camera shake so that doesnt help. Never have the tripod when I want it...... Thanks to all replies Glenys
Hmmmm Thank you al for the reply. That gives me something to think about. I will have to try and play around with some files and see what I can do before I say yes to my friend... It is not just the learning of one program, we find ourselves having to learn more..... If things get too technical my old brain cells cannot take it in too well. But I will have a go. Thank you Glenys
Hi Happy New Year to you all, I have finally tried out the new version 5 and put together a slide show of our holidays last september and sent it to relatives in Arizona. (Not posted) I have only used some of the basic pan and zoom features at this time. I have sat and watched many of the mind blowing effects that members have posted using this new program and I dont know if I will ever be able to work out how some of them are done.. But I will try, with the help of some of the tutorials that have been posted. Thank you to everyone that has done so. Thank you Igor and your team for working so hard on producing and developing this wonderful program. Please dont stop. Now my question for the techies out there! I have been asked if I can do a slide show for a good friend for a special occasion, and they asked if I would be able to include some old video in the slide show. I know it can apparently be done using a small program I can download, but is there going to be such a feature in this new version so we can do this directly or do we still have to use the other program... Is it difficult and is there a limit to the length of video that can be included? I would rather say no if it is going to create problems with the slide show. Thanks again Glenys
I too, would like to add my very best wishes for a good christmas and a happy new year to Igor and his team, a great big thank you for all the hard work and dedication they show in developing this program. I look forward working with the many developed ideas that you create as this program gets better and better... Now have a rest, but NOT TOO LONG Also a big happy christmas and a wonderful new year to all on the forum.. GLENYS
Lin, We will be staying in Flagstaff and Tucson, but as of this moment I do not know which way around or for how long in each place. We are meeting some cousins of my husband that we only found out about three years ago. They are arranging where and when we stay with each of them. All we know is someone will pick us up at phoenix and deliver us back there. They are sorting things out inbetween. It would be lovely to see this art work if we can. Glenys
Lin, A facinating an most enjoyable show. I am flying across the pond in about 11 weeks time to Arizona. I would really like to see an exhibition of the artist who makes those multicoloured models. Do you know if any of his work can be seen in Az at all. If there is a way of seeing some, I will only have to try and persuade our tour guides to get us there to see them. Thank you again for showing what can be done with this program and all the written tutorials that you have produced. Glenys
Yes but they are moved back and front and they did not change the positions of the two photos.... Another query. I have been trying to work out how the Dom and Jean-Pierre have managed to show a picture through a frame.... In the doms show he makes a frame appear one side at a time in white on a black background till all four sides are showing. I have sorted that out but cannot work out how he manages to show the lady lieing down through it. Also in Jean Pierre's show he has two photos on screen and is able to control them with pz separatley. Do I need a mask of some sorts. I have tried to apply opacity settings but with no success, either the whole picture shows through the other or it does not show through at all.... This is a steep learning curve I am on, but do not want to be beaten. With your help that is... Regards
Wow Igor, Thank you once again for the new beta version. This is such an educational program. Since starting to use it several versions ago I have learnt a lot about photoshop and photo manipulation. Now my son has had to teach me all about X & Y axis. I keep a calculator by my computer, what else will I learn in future versions apart from the obvious of doing briliant slide shows. Must get better on the photography.. Thank you for your dedication. Glenys
Here is another query.. When in the Objects and Animation window, and looking at the objects menu. Is there an easy way of moving the order of the pictures around other than deleting one and re-adding it further up/down the stack if you feel a couple of pictures would be better another way around. ie: In my turning picture I have decided I would prefer the second picture to be the first one. It would be nice to be able to click on the second picture and move it up above the first so that it is shown on the first turn. Or is there already a way of doing it that I do not know about.
As you say Al it is adictive..... So many wonderful ideas have been posted and they give me ideas and it is just trying to work out how folk have managed to do them so I can try something similar whilst learning. I thought I was attaching the small .exe file but it aint there. Boo hoo. I have an image that I have zoomed down to 0.001 verticaly which seems to be the least I can go to. I then have a second image that I have started at zoom 0.001 taking over the position where the other one finishes at 0.001. The second one then zooms out in the place of the first one. It gives me the effect of a turning picture with two different faces. A bit like the card file that was posted. It looks like I am getting there but. when I play preview there is a thin verticle line through both the pictures, it is almost as if the line is showing from the next or previous picture held in the 0 position. Not too sure whether I am making much sense, reading it, it is as clear as mud and I am writing it.. As I say I may be doing it all wrong but this is the way that I have worked out how to turn one picture and come up with another one on the other side so to speak.... My other computer has just crashed, must be all the hard work I am giving it, so will try you idea later. Glenys
I am going bald fathoming the new features in beta 2. I have managed to turn one photo and the second side is a different photo, but I am getting a line down both photos when I preview it. I thought about deleting the first photo before the second one turns but of course I loose the wholwe photo. I have tried to attach the file so you can see. Any suggestions please. May be I am just doing the effect all wrong.....
Firstly thank you Igor and your team for developing this new aspect to an already great program. I downloaded it and started to try to learn some of the new functions using Lin Evans tutorials. Thank you Lin for your input as well. I have only used two slides at the moment and used some of the pan and zoom features for practice purposes, but when I preview the sequence plays the two slides and then repeats itself in perpetuation. I do have the close show after last slide ticked in the main window. The answer is probobly something quite simple but I can not see how to stop it yet so help would be appreciated. I have not used any music at the moment whilst in the learning mode, with a dunces cap on. Also can someone technical please explain one other thing: On the Screen page there is a box 5:4 PC ETC Is this figure the usual one to use unless you have or are making a show for wide screen etc. Thank you Glenys
Thank you all for your response. I have had some problems this year and consequently not been near PTE for about 5 months. When I sat down to have a fiddle with it the other day it was like learning all over again. I kept thinking how did I do this or how did I do that. Like riding a bike it is slowly coming back to me. Some of the ideas put forward by all of you will be put on my list to try. Got to go and shoot some photos to try stitching now. Thanks again Glenys
I have looked at a few shows that have 360 or panoramic views. How do you do it? Is PTE able to accept an unlimited sized stiched picture therefore is it able to move through the stitched picture unseemlessly, or is there some other secret way of sliding through a stiched picture? I know if you put two pictures up close and snug to one another in the timeline PTE doesnt like it and plays up and if you leave a slight separation gap of course the slides show a gap between them. Can someone elighten me please Glenys
I have watched a few shows that have shown either 360 or panoramic views. These have given me some ideas. How do you get the pictures to move from one to the other without a break between them???? I know you have to leave a gap on the time line between photos or they get a little unhappy and play up if you place them right up close to one another! Or is it a case of no restrictions on the size of a stiched photo added to PTE, but watching the shows the pictures are obviously moved around etc. I would really like to know the secret, if anyone could enlighten me please. Thank you, Glenys