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About theoverberg

  • Birthday 03/14/1953

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    Napier, South Africa

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  1. Thanks to all you good folk - I have looked at all your replies and advice - this is a subject I am totally unfamiliar with and some of the things that are mentioned I need to educate myself on. I have been able to resolve the problem this way - a friend of mine, Keith Murray has converted them for me, using Photoshop - http://goo.gl/LzLjIy - apparently it has something to do with the colour RGB when it should be sRGB, he would be able to explain better. It seems that RGB doesn't convert easily into Pictures2Exe ... it's all a bit beyond me, I'm afraid
  2. No, Luc - I don't. Thanks anyway Rob
  3. Thanks - but I don't have Photoshop ... I suppose that's what will fix it?
  4. 5 (2).jpg is the name of the image as it was sent to me as is 6(2).jpg etc ... I have renamed them and they stay the same
  5. When I import SOME images into the program they go all funny with strange colours and lines on them - see screenshot. What am I dong wrong - I can't get rid of it and in my browser the pictures look fine. Please help! Rob Harris info@theoverberg.com
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