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    Pibrac, France

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  1. Hi Igor, nice examples of PTE Video Optimiser Denis
  2. The link is here is on the PTE forum
  3. Igor, Nice Christmas gift Denis
  4. With the RC2 of PTE video Optimiser, we have a very good quality when we stabilise a video and the increase the sharpness. Thanks Igor for this new algorithm. Denis
  5. Thanks Igor for that improvement I was waiting for that. You can improve sharpness easily now
  6. For greyscale picture, it's Ok
  7. Hi Igor, if I understand the lightness parameter, it is an exposure compensation. So, if a video is under-expose or over-expose, this parameter is the one to use I think, before Brightness, Contrast,... If the slider show the EV ( exposure value) it would be best. Denis
  8. Hi Igor, Saturation increase the red channel of a grey colour. And for the other colour, it seems not efficient. Denis
  9. Hi, go to the Project Options, Main, Background and select Image and the background you need. Denis
  10. In project Options: Action after the last slide
  11. Works well. Denis
  12. Doesn't works for me. Denis
  13. Hi Igor, in PTE 11 there is only Brightness. The translation in French is not the same in PTE AV Studio and in PTE Video Optimize In PTE Video Optimizer appear Lightness. Is lightness The L* of the L*a*b* (and Brightness the L of HSL) ? Denis
  14. Hi Igor, one task ok, then creating a new task and nothing appear in the mini viewer. Denis
  15. Hi Igor, the original video has 29.97 Fps(30000/1001), the mp4 from PTE video Optimizer has 29.97 Fps(30000/1001 The webm ( av1 codec) has 30.033 Fps. Denis
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