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Everything posted by denisb

  1. The link is here is on the PTE forum
  2. Igor, Nice Christmas gift Denis
  3. With the RC2 of PTE video Optimiser, we have a very good quality when we stabilise a video and the increase the sharpness. Thanks Igor for this new algorithm. Denis
  4. Thanks Igor for that improvement I was waiting for that. You can improve sharpness easily now
  5. For greyscale picture, it's Ok
  6. Hi Igor, if I understand the lightness parameter, it is an exposure compensation. So, if a video is under-expose or over-expose, this parameter is the one to use I think, before Brightness, Contrast,... If the slider show the EV ( exposure value) it would be best. Denis
  7. Hi Igor, Saturation increase the red channel of a grey colour. And for the other colour, it seems not efficient. Denis
  8. Hi, go to the Project Options, Main, Background and select Image and the background you need. Denis
  9. In project Options: Action after the last slide
  10. Works well. Denis
  11. Doesn't works for me. Denis
  12. Hi Igor, in PTE 11 there is only Brightness. The translation in French is not the same in PTE AV Studio and in PTE Video Optimize In PTE Video Optimizer appear Lightness. Is lightness The L* of the L*a*b* (and Brightness the L of HSL) ? Denis
  13. Hi Igor, one task ok, then creating a new task and nothing appear in the mini viewer. Denis
  14. Hi Igor, the original video has 29.97 Fps(30000/1001), the mp4 from PTE video Optimizer has 29.97 Fps(30000/1001 The webm ( av1 codec) has 30.033 Fps. Denis
  15. Hi Igor, usually, I stabilize my video clip and increase the sharpness with another application. I try the same things with PTE Video Optimizer: The stabilize option seems to work well. The sharpness ( negative blur) has the same default as PTE AV Studio 11. The last line and the last column are brighter. I hope you will solve this in PTE AV Studio 12. Denis
  16. I suppose that Bridge modify only the Orientation metadata (without modify the photo itself and PTE does not recognize the corresponding value (2 or mirror horizontal) PTE recognize the value of rotation (6 or rotate 90 cw for example) Denis
  17. Hi Ken, If you want to clear the wave cache, go to %localappdata%\WnSoft-WaveCache and delete the files inside the directory. Open the explorer and type %localappdata%\WnSoft-WaveCache Denis
  18. Hi, in the same directory, a text file styles.ini contains the name, the "style numbers" and other informtion Denis
  19. Hi John, I use zip method to do what you want to do without problems. If after unzip, you look at the .pte, your are right, the .pte file in the folder still points to the original location of the images. But open the .pte, change only one thing, save and examine the .pte file, you will see the new location. Denis
  20. Hi Ken, Go to project options>>Audio Then drag and drop audio clip among the tracks. Denis
  21. Hi, a theoretical point of view: Quality 100 for PTE means a Constant Rate Factor=19 for the codec used Lossless compression means a CRF=0 It is a logarithmic scale so from 19 to 12 for the CRF leads to a file size multiplied by 2 from 19 to 0, the file size is multiplied by more than 8. Practical point of view: one of my slide show 2:32 long with lot of move is 97 MB with quality 100 and 1.54 GB for lossless. Jill the motion blur will decrease the file size because it's more easy for the codec. Denis
  22. Hi, the mp4 is big because lossless compression is ticked. Denis
  23. Hi Igor, I work like jkb and jt49 so I don't need .bak, but, for new user, it could be interested to generate the .bak by default. Denis
  24. Hi Congratulations on the 25th Anniversary of this wonderful application. Denis
  25. Hi Dave, You are right. I make only 16:9 projects. If you want to use this CT in a 3:2 project you must change fit to cover for the two slides ( slide1 and slide2 or Vue1 and Vue2) in the custom transition Denis
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