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  1. Wow Thank you, you are ALL WONDERFUL I really appreciate your help and will let you know how I get on Thank you so much Chris
  2. Thanks Ken I appreciate your help - the results do look great I just couldn't find enough information on HOW to achieve the results I see in the search above Thanks for your input though I appreciate it
  3. Hello fellow Pictures to Exe Users I would very much welcome your advice on the following effect I wish to achieve. I use a camera to take a series of time-lapse images, i.e. 1 picture per second over say 3 hours. I have used in the past Photoshop CS6 to create a video of these time-lapse images, speeded up. But now I am the proud owner of Pictures to Exe Deluxe So not only would I like to know how to do this in P2E if possible, but also, is it possible to apply motion i.e. zoom in on a video created from multiple time-lapse images? I cannot do this in CS6 and would like the viewer to not only see the speeded up time-lapse but also for it to be zooming in on one part of the MOVING image as they watch. Thank you so much for helping a newbie Chris
  4. Thank you so much too Lin I appreciate your help
  5. Jill I am over the moon with your reply - thank you so much for your help, and warm welcome I promise to try harder Thanks so much Chris
  6. Hello I am totally new to P2E and have searched forums and help pages without being able to find an answer, please forgive me if its been asked before When I use the mouse to alter the duration of a slide by dragging the edge of a slide to make it longer, it makes the slide immediately to its right shorter. What I want it to do is nudge all the other slides in the show up so they stay the same duration of each slide but the overall show gets longer. Can you help me do this please Thanks Chris
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