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Everything posted by glazzers

  1. I followed your instructions to the letter but still it doesn't work as it fails to recognise the type of file. However just like the previous thread, when I uncheck the Interlaced video window the file is recognised and burns OK.
  2. In the previous thread started by Leslie, PSPHOTO stated the same problems as I mentioned and it was stated that these problems should have been fixed with the 4.31 release. I have this release but still have the problem. I have just read elsewhere that maybe these problems are caused by a bug in the Uluead Movie factory 3 programme itself and can be solved with a patch. Can anyone confirm ??
  3. Continuing on from a previous thread. I downloaded the new version of Pictures to EXE 4.31 which was supposed to fix the following problem but in my case did not. Press the video button to convert to AVI file. Select DVD and Ulead Movie Factory 3. After about 2 hours up comes the following error. "Failed to reuse converted cache file (4570)" followed by " Unspecified error report i.d. 0x800411da(4570) Any ideas ?????
  4. I wonder if someone would be able to answer two questions I have about the programme. 1) Is it possible to insert video shot with a still digital camera into the slideshows ? 2) I have a number of slides, say 100 and I wish to put certain slides say numbers 20,50,75 and 90 in certain places on the timeline. Can I do this first and then have the programme equally space the other slides around them ? Thanks
  5. I have made several presentations that play perfectly on my computer but would now like to convert them to SVCD so that they can play on my new DVD player. As I no longer have the slideshows saved as projects on my PC is this possible to do ???
  6. thanks for the info
  7. Two questions from a new p2e user. How do you make an object appear to move across the screen ? How do you put a picture on screen keep it there and overlay other pictures ob top of it ?
  8. Is it possible to insert the quicktime movies that digital cameras(not video cameras) are capable of recording into slideshow presentations ?
  9. Thanks Al
  10. I am a new user to this software and have a few questions for the experts. I wish to put lets say around ten or fifteen slides at certain points along the timeline and then have the programme put the other slides (up to two hundred) around and in between them.... Possible or not. Once I have the pictures on the timeline is it possible to change the order on the timeline by using the timeline screen(drag and move) or must I go back to the original screen and change the order there ?? If I use the synchronise to music length then can I change the length of individual pictures themselves or do I have to deselect the former. Thanks for all the advice to a novice.
  11. Thanks contaxman
  12. I have just purchased the software and am a new user. What I would like to know is. How can I keep the last slide on screen after the music has finished ? Thanks for your time, A very worthwhile forum.
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