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Everything posted by colin46

  1. Hi Yes you are right about a few photos on 1 and 3 shows, I have now put right and will look out for that in the future, I will not be re-up loading them. Yes that's fine by me about showing my shows I think that this is what it is all about on this forum. Many Thanks Colin
  2. Hi all Sorry about using the rar files, I am now using zip,Hope you like. http://www.mediafire.com/download/mcx66vcwcxai7i1/Kent%20photo%20show%20part%203.zip Re done problems put righ
  3. Yes from now on I am going to zip the files. my site www.kentandsussexpics.co.uk
  4. I have just tried it and was ok.
  5. Thanks for that I have only just got the beta version. Colin
  6. Hi all This is part 2, hope you like. http://www.mediafire.com/download/d0ez2d0pn5tbuea/Kent%20show%20part%202%2023%20Feb%2010.zip Re done problems put right
  7. Hi Ken No not Really, But we do have a lot of nice scenery, Colin
  8. Hi to all This is about places in Kent, I have made 3 parts and this is the first one, Hope you like. http://www.mediafire.com/download/cbou6a7mmwmbjlm/Kent%20Show%20part%201%2026th%20Feb%2010.zip Have re loaded problems now put right.
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