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Everything posted by DRURY
Hi Igor, Took the plunge used create DVD button and converted my PTE5v7 show 5.25 mins to DVD - took 1 hour 23 minutes to make the DVD. However, result is brilliant. Better than making an avi file and using Ulead. So my thanks to you and your friends for now making this possible in the one program. Cheers, Derek
Hi Al, I see now that whilst Igor does not want us to use the video button, you have indeed got to use it to get at the options so thanks for your kind reply. So it now looks as though I must still use my ULead Movie Factory 5 to make my DVDs, but which file will be the best to use - MPEG2 or AVI? Sorry I have not heard of ISO other than for setting the speed on my camera. Cheers, Derek
I can find the video button which you say I should not use, but where are the alternative options to create an ISO image - Burn DVD-Video Disk or create an MPEG2 file please? Cheers, Derek
I use ULead Movie Factory v4 which accepts the .ptev file created by PTEv5.5 to make my DVDs. However, I have just upgraded Movie Factory to v5 Plus and now I get "File format mismatch" when trying to use the .ptev file created by PTE. Would it be possible for Ivan to sort this out with Ulead? I have in the meantime emailed ULead saying what is the point of paying for an upgrade if the latest version will not accept file format that v4 will use. Cheers, Derek
Hi there, I cannot get the html file or swf file to work in spite of downloading Adobe Flash Player 9 - though where adobe has put it on my PC I cannot find out even using the search engine. Anybody out there can help please. Cheers, Derek
Can I suggest you use the search engine and put in Book Effects. A new tutorial is there though I cannot make head nor tale of it so far. Hope you fare better than me. Cheers, Derek
Making PNG text with transparent background In Photoshop
DRURY replied to Lin Evans's topic in General Discussion
Hi Lin, Please do not go down the .swf route as for some reason they will not play on my PC. The .avi files are just great although I find that the sound is quite low. Thanks for your great efforts in making us all better users of PTE. Cheers, Derek -
Jean-Pierre, Today I realise that by bringing the button out between the zoom you can get the zoom down to 0.001 on the one side. Also by splitting the first image into two halves and saving them as .png images you get the window/curtain effect to reveal the second image. It works the same I feel certain, but without the black edge to the curtains. Hope this might help others. For those that are interested in your french explanation of the transitions http://babelfish.altavista.com/ will do a pretty good job. It might help you too going from French to English though from what I have seen you are so good at it as is your Versailles which is fascinating. Must now try some of your other ideas! Cheers
Jean-Pierre, In Transition 5/Slide 12-Versailles_20.jpg I can see that the first image is cut in two in Photoshop for the Left and Right images that open to give you the second image underneath. How do you get them to decrease in width at the same time as they open? They seem to be controlled by the Left and Right rectangles - but what are these rectangles? If I alter the zoom of an image to 0.001 - it goes from 100 down to nothing. Can you help me please? Cheers, Derek
Hi there, I can get your templates to run in PTE. However, how do you replace the diagram images with actual pics so that they animate as do the diagram ones? Incidentally there is only one landscape picture, not two nor can I find the portrait that is said to be there. Cheers, Derek
Hi BJC, Sorry but my PC will not play your .swf - flash tutorial - even though I have Irfanview and Adobe Flash Player - something to do with security settings on my PC! Are you able to help at all please so that I can look at what you have to say? Cheers, Derek
Hi BJC - I've downloaded Photoshop CS2 Layer Comps. Cannot get the HTML file to come up - 4 red ctrosses - one in each corner - green things at the bottom stop about half way - nothing even though I've waited 30 minutes! SWF file will not play in IrfanView Flash Player. Can you help please? Cheers, Derek
It just shows you that I should look at what is available instead of ploughing just in in my eagerness to have a go. I have thanked Dom earlier whereas it was Alrobin on re-reading this thread that sent me my 4 pieces as I had envisaged when I started my project on Arley Hall. My humble apologies Sir, but seeing the way the pieces were manipulated by you and Lin has been so very helpful. Cheers, Derek
Hi Lin & Dom, I said that I would be back. Your versions of the 4 pieces has given me a wonderful insight in how to do some of the possible animations with v5. I am also grateful too to Ronniebootwest for his tutorial for dummies like me on how to work on scrolling titles. He's sent out over 300. I am not sure whether or not this is the right place to raise the fact that during emails with Ron I pointed out that the black box size in PTE appears to depend on the setting of your Monitor's screen size set in the Control Panel of Windows. Now that is OK if you want to use 4x3 images, that is say 1024x768 pixels. However, my TV screen is nearer 16x9 and using zoom, smart, or wide can cause a slight havoc with pics sized 4x3 in PTEv5. With ProShowGold you have the options of using 4x3, 16x9, or Custom. Do you think this will be coming in later versions of PTE or is there a way around resizing the black box somehow? Cheers, Derek
Hi Ron, Your tutorial should be labelled "Scrolling Text for Dummies" - like me! Thank you so much for sending me the .pdf. Cheers, Derek
Hi Dom, Yes your version of my trying to bring in the 4 pieces to make a whole is exactly what I was attempting to do and could not really see why my pieces did not do what you have done. However, Lin Evans has as you will see also replied with a smashing version of the 4 pieces. By analysing what was sent it has given me a much clearer picture of how things should be set up in PTE5. Nevertheless I am most grateful to you both for your kind help. Cheers, Derek Hi Lin, Sorry it has taken me all day to reply, but your version of my 4 pieces really has given me so much food for thought and such a great insight in to how v5 works. I'm sure you will appreciate that you have given me a lot to take in! So for now thanks and thanks again - but I'm sure that I'll be back and just hope you do not mind. Cheers, Derek
Thinking about it further there were 4 images and the .pte file - making 5 things in the .zip file - so how come 7 ???
Hi there, I've no idea - I'm sure it was not there when I wrote to Lin. Nor indeed do I know how I got the funny face which I see from the left of my monitor as I write this are called Smilies. All I can hope is that Lin did not get my .zip file 7 times!! Cheers, Derek Now back to Lin's reply and hopefully find out where I have been going wrong.
Hi Lin, I have managed to get my 4 pieces to come together over 16 secs! However, you will see if the zip file works that there are some partial sightings of some of the pieces I did not want and I am blowed if I can see how to get rid of these having definitely, or so I thought, started with 0 opacity. I am aware that there is a black line between B1 & B2 and a white one between A1 & B2- bad work in CS2 on my part! Hopefully they might disappear if I fade in the whole image of the Hall when I get my head around the joining of the 4 pieces. I did make a title slide that I want to come in over the sky part of the whole image, but the .png background is for some reason not transparent at least when I try to use it! The flower was for me to experiment with zooming it in - well maybe in 2/3 years time? Sorry my attachment is so big, but v5_Project1_Aug25_2006_21_36_43.zipwith the kindest regards to you, Derek
Hi Lin, At last there is movement and the way I want it! Correct me if I am wrong - (1) With an image in the object box, I left clicked 00.00.000, now made the image smaller, moved the resulting small box to the bottom right of the black box, and made the opacity 0. (2) Now I left clicked 00.15.000, made the opacity 100%, and resized the image to fill the black box. (3) I then clicked Play, near to the bottom right corner of O&A, and the image gradually comes in from bottom right, increasing in opacity, until it fills the black box - Magic! Now (A) Why when you click Preview, does the same thing happens, but just before it fills my monitor's screen PTE comes in and you do not see the end? ( You refer to the 'X&Y axis' presumably technical terms for those that have heard of them - to me are they not the 'Zoom Numbers?' © Most v5 exe shows repeat -I see that your Planets does not - can I ask how you have solved this please? (D) What are the purpose of intermediate keypoints? To stop the movement in one direction and send it off somewhere else? All I can say is again thank you so much for getting me started on the 'V5 road.' Cheers, Derek Sorry about the funny face - it is meant to be B in brackets!
Lin very clear instructions, for which ever so many thanks, until about half way through. That green box I think should only be around the whole black part of my screen with one of the 1/4 pieces showing and then I realized a few lines later you told me to reduce the other 3 pieces' opacity. So far so good. Then I hit trouble, but maybe not, the white on the left of the 2 blue long horizontal lines does not start at the very left of that white bit at 0, but at the end of the white bit on the right of it - do I have to alter this in some way to get the 0 at the start on the left somehow? When I add the keypoint to the right of the 2 blue lines I get 19 secs not 15 even though each of the 4 pieces were altered customising each piece to 15 secs. I think the difference is something to do with a grey bar along the blue lines which says 4000ms? OK I now have my fourth piece showing bottom right in the black bit as I want it to finish. I drag the green box and make it smaller and off into the grey bit as I want it to zoom in from bottom right to its full size. Click preview - black screen then suddenly the 4th piece comes in full size, but with a black circle about half way acroos which moves to the right to reveal my piece in full. So please I do need further help as I think if I can get the principle of it zooming in from nothing as I want it to do I might even get titles to zoom too! With kindest regards to you and again thanks to you and Dom for your interest, Cheers, Derek
Thank you Lin and Dom. Lin's reply I've just printed out to see if in the next few days I can at last make some progress - if not I hope you will not mind my coming back to you. Yes Dom I do have both of the Tutorials printed out that you mention, but as I said to Lin I must be dense as in many respects the Tutorials just did not make sense at all. For instance Lin speaks of having her zoom at 27%, but it took me 3 weeks or more from trying the zoom control on the right of PTE and getting nowhere to suddenly out of the blue clicking recently on Auto and finding that was where I should have gone to alter the zoom Lin was talking about. The problem is of course that you as experts know most of the ins and outs, and whilst I think the Tutorials will no doubt make sense in due course, for the moment I've spent weeks trying to make things move but with such little success that I keep on going back to ProShow Gold.
I have divided an image into 4 rectangles which when put together make up the whole image. (1) How do you get the 4 part images into the Object box without being children of the first? (2) I can get the start image to have a duration of 15 secs, which seems to have to be altered to 17 later in your Tutorial, but its position is 00.36.000 on my PTE v5.5 and altering the Time Range to 00000 has no effect. How do I start PTE at 0 secs? (3) So I have 4 images in, but in trying to resize the first the whole green box moves, how do you get it around just the first image to try and play with it? (4) Assuming you can help me get a start at 0 sec, I can see that the life of the first image should be 5 secs, but what on earth does the 2.5 sec keypoint achieve? Indeed where is the keypoint block I'm supposed to alter? Obviously I'm dense so I need loads more detail than you have given and explanation in the Tutorial. Indeed it would be nice to get an image to move so as to start getting bored to death! Cheers, Derek
Hi Lin & Gilio, Following Lin's instructions, and those of Gilio, I have now got the trial pte shows to work that have links in the Forums, for which I am extremely grateful to you both. Now it is time to get my hat and coat off to see what I can do! Cheers, Derek