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Everything posted by cici

  1. cici


    Thank You, Eric
  2. Hi to all here my wishes for 2014 My link
  3. Hi Daniel, very happy to "see" you here. Very nice landscapes and pictures!
  4. Hi Bert, thank You for your kind appreciation. Yes, I spent a long time, but I cannot say how long as the making was spread on several monthes Marry Christmas to You and and your family
  5. Hi Anthony, Thank You for your appreciation. The "little match girl"" says nothing to me; so I did not produce it.
  6. Hi Bert, Please, try this link: it's a zip file Hope it works My link
  7. Thank You, Colin
  8. thank You, Ken, for helping
  9. I'll take this in account for next shows. Thank You
  10. Hello Igor, I checked up and found 1,9/9,5 Go (20%) memory
  11. Maybe. But why no problem in PTE 6,5?
  12. Hello Igor, I removed all the pictures but the girls and the flower (remaining only 9 "objects" instead off + or - 100 in the O&A): I tried 3 times and no more problem at all.
  13. thank You very much, Lin
  14. Thank You, Ken but this exe was made in PTE 6,5. No problen with this version of PTE. I donot think to be problem of power: my processor is AMD A4* 4300M APU with Radeon HD Graphics2,50 GHz - 10 Go Ram
  15. I encountered a very strange problem in PTE 7,5 + PTE 8,0 In the last scene of my show "QUANDO SARO'GRANDE" (when I'll be older) some transparent gif where changed just in toa green background without any image! (see picture). Impossible to make an exe: ther was the same green background but NO PROBLEM IN THE DVD where the full shox was correct! I was obliged to open the sho in PTE 6,5 to make the exe !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See picture
  16. Hi to all. I'm back again this show is dedicated to 2 italian children: the girl has a passion for dancing and the boy for fencing Difficulties do not kill dreams, passions She dreams to be transported to a theatre to play "LA DANZA DEI SOGNI " (the dream's dance) and she will go on dancing even when in danger The show is in italian with english sub-titles You can download here My link here
  17. Hi Eric, I enjoyed your show very well; nice images and perfect synchronization. I prefer your new ending Sam
  18. Thank You, Ralph for your welcome and wishes
  19. Hi Lin, I've viewed both walls: PTE is fantastic but your work too. Quite smooh in Youtube but some problems with my PC, but it's a young one?
  20. Hi Lin, Hi Bert, thank You very much for your kind welcome, your appreciations and your wishes
  21. thank You for your welcome,yachtsman1 !
  22. Hi to everybody, here a short show to present my best wishes for 2013 My link
  23. Hi Barry, I thank You for your nice appreciation Friendly
  24. Hi Lin I was away. I come back just to thank You for putting in evidence the actual problems.
  25. I sincerely apologize for my profound ignorance: I knew about dogma considering Pope speaking "ex Cathedra" to be infallible and that every believer must submit to. but i did not know about dogma considering comment/criticism on Winsoft forum infallible too and that everybody must accpt without replying. "But don't try to change people's opinions." D makes a comment I reply D makes a new comment Please , tell me, who is trying to change peoples mind? Yes "This is getting ridiculous! " Anyway, I have no problem with negative comments, juste they have to respect me In this case I was attacked to put me down. When I do not agreee with smbd about smth I just say tha I do not agree ... I do not say you are old enough to ...(not th exact words , but this was the meaning)
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