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Paul Peck

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Everything posted by Paul Peck

  1. Hello all - great forum here. Hope you can help me out. I can’t get autorun script to work on a CD-RW with my PTE slide show (created in Win 98). I burn my slide show and autorun script onto the disk. In this case it is a re-writeable CD as I’m just trying to experiment and test before committing to a CD-ROM. I am quite certain I've named my .exe file correctly in the script, thus: [autorun] open=Paul Peck Portfolio.exe There is nothing else on the disk and both items, I’m sure, are on the root directory (nothing inside various folders, etc.). Upon first disk insertion I get a dialog box titled “Program Not Found” prompting me to type in the .exe file name. It’s also prompting me to do this on the C drive (my computer’s hard drive on which the show was created) leading me to think it’s still searching for the slide show on the C drive. I can get it to successfully run if I establish the correct drive name and .exe name in this box and click OK. It will then run on it’s own with no further prompting after removing the disk and re-inserting in the CD-ROM. It will even run correctly in that same CD-ROM after I shut down the computer and restart. Moving the disk to another drive (I have two on this particular machine) starts the Program Not Found sequence over again. Meanwhile, when inserted in newer laptop running Win XP Pro, nothing happens until I click into “My Computer” file and then double click the CD drive icon. On first insertion I also get the “Program Not Found” box. Here too, when I type in the correct drive and file name it will run. Successive tries at reinserting the disk still require me to go click on the drive icon under My Computer, but the slide show will run on doing that. But of course, I want it to perform an autorun from disk without any typing or fussing needed. What am I doing wrong? Thanks - Paul (PTE Newbie)
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