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Everything posted by Cotslad

  1. Thank you for your attachment it works! I have been doing it selecting the slide list as in earlier versions and that doesn't work but selecting the images works. This will save me hours as I am doing a 2hour show with my images projected behind a band on stage in 'Edge of Day' in celebration of Laurie Lee's Centenary and I need to transfer many sequences into the single time line
  2. Still cannot get this copying working When I select the group - the only one that copies is the one highlighted in a darker blue The others highlighted in the lighter blue do not copy to the other project Help!
  3. Oh Thanks for all your help but I am still struggling This is what I have done - much as Mr Yachtsman said. Open both shows left click the last slide of the show I want to copy, held down the shift key, left click the first slide, all the slides highlight. Right click select copy slide. Open second show, highlight where I want the slides to go, right click & select paste slide and all I get is one image pasted not the lot. I used the same method in early versions and no problem Martin
  4. Hi Dave Thanks for the quick feedback but after highlighting a whole sequence it still only copies the last highlighted image into the other project. Am I missing something? Martin
  5. I am trying to copy a whole sequence from one project to another In version 6.5 I selected all the images from one sequence in slide list format hit CONT C opened the project I wanted to add the other sequence to pressed CONT V and there it was with all the info transferred Could anyone advise how you do this in PTE 8.0 - if you do as above only one images is transferred not the whole sequence Help please! Martin
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