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Everything posted by HFnotts

  1. Can I use PTE 11 to convert an older exe sequence to MP4. If so how do I open the exe to get it into PTE. Any advice gratefully received.
  2. Excellent. Good fun with a serious message. What a waste of precious money.
  3. davegee, I am confusing you; I meant animations. H
  4. I am experiencing issues when seeking to add a transition to a slide which is not at the beginning of a project but, say a third into the slide line. Cloning keyframes doesn't have any effect on, say a zoom with the zoom not stopping when a second keyframe is added, and inset slides also having erratic behaviour not controlled by adding keyframes. What I am trying to do is zoom into the background slide and when the zoom halts bring in an insert slide. I note from Barry's Beckham's video tutorials and other literature, including the online P2E help that when selecting a slide to which to add a transition that the left keyframe should start at zero. Mine don't but show the slide's position in the length of the full project. Is this correct? I've done the required timing additions to cloned keyframes correctly (I believe) but to no effect. Am I missing a box to tick or is there something else that I am missing? I'm sure there is probably a simple answer but it is all getting rather frustrating! Would appreciate any advice please.
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