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Everything posted by jplautre

  1. OK It looks (a little) easier now. Thx.
  2. Hi, Alex ! Congrats for your styles. Just a "little" problem, all my pictures are truncated, even if I use 1920 x 1080 pictures. Where can I adjust their "Position & Scales" ? Thx for your help. Jean-Pierre
  3. Very interesting style ! I tried it but some pictures (not all) are shown backwards ! Why ? (see attached example)
  4. Thx, AleAle5025. It's OK et More understable now !
  5. Thx, AleAle5025. Someone told me how to find the cover. But I (we) would be happy to have complete instructions !
  6. Discovered recently this great style. But where can I find the picture of the cover to change the title ? Thx
  7. OK ! I found it now ! Thx again
  8. Thx, vbl2007. I’ll check tomorrow (not at home now)
  9. Hi, everyone. Playing again with PTE, I imported a new group of styles (Cute frames for instance). And looking at my Styles panel (or Themes panel), I cannot find it (and it exists as when I want to import it PTE says i already have it). So, where is it and under which group/name ? Thanks.
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