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  1. Hi, Hawk I did not find an option "Show first transition from desktop" there. Still using trial version - may that be why? Other explainations? Panury
  2. Alrobin, Exactly. In synchronized shows, yes. A show WITHOUT "background music", but WITH "sound" files assigned to single slides is, as I understand it, not to be addressed "synchronized". Only way to quasi-synchronize is to find out the length of any respective "sound" file and then to set slide display time according. That's the way I did it. And exactly here an integrated recording routine that does the "synchronization to sound" as a default would come in handy. Other, though not better, way would be to put all "sound" files as a playlist for "background music" and arrange synchronization by means of the timeline. But then the hassle would begin when wished to have a slide without any sound, as - I reckon - the insertion of silence is not featured with the playlist option. Panury
  3. Meanwhile, I found what I thought wasn't featured at all. Of course, slide duration WILL accord to sound (not: "bachground music") play time of any e.g. mp3 assigned to a slide. That was not the problem from the beginning. I thought that at actual playback of the ready EXE one would not have any *control over* the playback. But this I found out to luckily be not so: The "Pause" key (The one in the 3-key block up right on the keyboard) hit sets the show into a manually controllable slide-by-slide mode, with arrow keys for 'next' and 'previous', SPACE bar for 'next', UP and DOWN for 'next' and 'previous' ... while another "Pause" stroke will change mode again to self-playing. Hitting "Pause" while sound is played back does NOT result in immediate sound interruption, but sound rather continues till end, then image lingers, silent. So this was what I was chiefly concerned about. Nonetheless I would appreciate a timeline feature for slide sounds, e.g. to make it possible to show more than one slide while one comment uninterruptedly goes on. And a (simple!) integrated (MIC) sound recorder for spoken comments. Panury
  4. Hi, That would be a grand feature (together with a simple sound recorder for spoken comments): "Synchronize slide display time to sound length". Is implementation of such scheduled for the near future? Having to use an external sound recording application is a drag as (speech)sound files must be saved, given a name, closed, and, finally, assigned to the chosen slide in PTE . All in all, PTE comes closest to what I demand of an EXE-file producing programme; the control features during the actual run of the file are great (Objects!). Panury
  5. Hi, Al, Thank You for the hints. Sure will come back some time when the next "lost in space"-event is due Panury
  6. Being a new user (in fact I still am using the trial version (4.14)), I would like to get some clues as the "Help" to me seems rather not to answer my queries. First: I repeatedly read in this forum about the "timeline" feature. I regret I did not yet find such a thing in my PTE - is this a FullVersion-only feature? Second: With one picture in my test show I added a sound file (mp3) with a spoken comment that I recorded by means of a mp3 recording programme. Is there no MIC recording feature (for spoken comments) that on can use while "doing" one picture at a time? Is it perhaps as "hidden" (to me) as the timeline option? Third: In the box with those three lines "Image", "Comment", and "Sound" - there below these lines are THREE buttons: "P", "Customize Image" (or whatever this in Englich may be), and "Objects". What is, and does, the "P"-button? Panury
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