Meanwhile, I found what I thought wasn't featured at all. Of course, slide duration WILL accord to sound (not: "bachground music") play time of any e.g. mp3 assigned to a slide. That was not the problem from the beginning. I thought that at actual playback of the ready EXE one would not have any *control over* the playback. But this I found out to luckily be not so: The "Pause" key (The one in the 3-key block up right on the keyboard) hit sets the show into a manually controllable slide-by-slide mode, with arrow keys for 'next' and 'previous', SPACE bar for 'next', UP and DOWN for 'next' and 'previous' ... while another "Pause" stroke will change mode again to self-playing. Hitting "Pause" while sound is played back does NOT result in immediate sound interruption, but sound rather continues till end, then image lingers, silent. So this was what I was chiefly concerned about. Nonetheless I would appreciate a timeline feature for slide sounds, e.g. to make it possible to show more than one slide while one comment uninterruptedly goes on. And a (simple!) integrated (MIC) sound recorder for spoken comments. Panury