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Manuel Urdaneta Ruza

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About Manuel Urdaneta Ruza

  • Birthday 07/18/1943

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Toronto, Canada
  • Interests
    Photography, PTE, Hobbies workshop

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  1. I reinstalled Windows 10 and now I can't reinstall PTE AV Studio 10. Does anyone know what's going on? MUR
  2. Hi Igor My antivirus did not detect anything, but I took the drastic decision to reinstall windows. It seems that everything is fine now, but I will keep checking. I have to reinstall many things, because I do not want to use the backup. MUR
  3. Merry Christmas to Igor and his team, and to everybody in the Forum. As engineer I enjoy the fórmula of Jean Cyprien MUR
  4. I don't know what happened, but I was deleted from PTE forum and my attempts over several days to recover my password, did not work, I tried to send mail to some members, but at the end I enrolled again, with my two last names because, it said that the name was taken and also change the email. Manuel Urdaneta Ruza
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