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Everything posted by joewaco

  1. I've spent most of my computer career on the Mac platform using iPhoto. P2e has some great advantages---unless you have Mac friends. Is it possible to export a show to Quicktime and burn to a 9660 CD to make it cross-platform? Joe G. Waco, Texas
  2. Great idea! I reconerted it to another MP3 and it worked perfectly. Thanks to all for the info, I really appreciate it. Joe.
  3. Thanks, LumenLux: You're right....I was using a WMA file. I thought P2E played WMA files. I since converted it to MP3, and another odd thing happened. The MP3 plays fine and at full length in the Quicktime player, but when the same file is placed into P2E, it only plays half of the song. In the "song duration" option, it also only shows the song to last 1:05 instead of 2:11 minutes. In the "time line" also, only 1/2 the song shows, though when played, all the slides show up, but only the first 1/2 of the slides are accompanied by the music. I haven't burned the new show to CD to test the background music yet.
  4. To fade out after last slide, insert a black slide at the end of the show as the "last" slide. It works.
  5. I just made a P2e show of 35 images, synchronized it to my music track (wma file), and burned it to a CD. The CD played perfectly on my laptop that I designed the show on, but though the images play fine on my other computers, I can't get any music to play on any computer other than the one that the show was originally prepared on. Any suggestions of what I'm doing wrong? Thanks. Joe.
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