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Everything posted by Contentawarephil

  1. Another thought, what is her screen resolution, mine is 1920 by 1080, and are those attachments windows or full screen? Phil
  2. Not on my pc. Check out Shirleys font sizes - not normal or default? Phil
  3. It controls the HEIGHT of the Slide List and the WIDTH of the Timeline. I read it in the Online Help Hotkey Section. Phil
  4. Applying a Style after choosing to mute audio will probably negate that setting.Mute the sound AFTER applying the style.Does that help. Phil
  5. Have you tried browsing the online help for timeline and handling audio files? phil
  6. Geoff, A BD player will read it as a data disc and allow the mp4 to run. But it will be subject to "TV Safe" zone and some of the mp4 will b lost. Older DVD Players? Dont know. Phil
  7. Shift and Drag works for me. http://docs.picturestoexe.com/en-us/9.0/hotkeys/main Phil
  8. In the third example above; the zip file; you have added an approximate 3x2 image to a 16x9 style. If Lin had put the two instances of the Main Image in Cover Mode it would have worked OK. Also the Main Image used for both the foreground and Background could be Main Image Index 1 and this would further help. Phil.
  9. Mick, Right click on a Key-frame and select "Shift Key Frames" (Ctrl+E). But Gogs wants to select and move some of the KF and not all of the KF. I found it in the Online Help - O&A section. Phil
  10. Usually the problem is resources? Are you files too big - do they exceed 2Gb in total? Have you tried reversing your revisions to see if that makes a difference? Do you have plenty of free space on the drive containing your temporary folder? Are you using WAV files instead of MP3? Are your images optimised (resolution)? Are you including Video? Has it been converted and trimmed for use in PTE? Have you tried making an ISO Instead of initiating a DVD burn and does it help? Some detail would help in understanding your problem. Phil
  11. Hi Roel, In order to support this request would it be a good idea to name a couple of examples and how they achieve it? Dont fonts have to be "installed" in order to use them - do the softwares automatically install them? What happen's if the user uses a font which has license restrictions that prevent this? Hers a link to the Powerpoint site: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/826832 Phil
  12. "Is anybody else, who has upgraded to Windows 10, ecperiencing this problem?" Is anybody else, who has upgraded to Windows 10 on a MAC with VMWARE, experiencing this problem?
  13. Ronnie, Not sure if you are asking about W10 in general or W10 with a MAC? PTE runs smoothly on a PC with W10 pre-installed. Phil
  14. Try splitting it into 2, 4 or 5 smaller chunks and find out what works or doesn't.
  15. Details? Size / Resolution of jpegs. Any video? Audio files - wav or mp3? Try saving project as a different name, delete audio and try to make exe without audio. Does it run?
  16. It sounds like you need someone to try that specific test on a PC that has been upgraded from Wx to W10? Phil
  17. Jose, I have three PCs - one running XP, one running W7 and the other W10. I have not experienced any problems with the W10 pc. However, I have never updated a pc from the OS which came with it from new. Phil
  18. Good explanation from Lin. But I wonder what's making the exe come in at between 2Go and 4Go? Wav file's for audio or mp3? Have the images been optimised? Phil.
  19. The Online Help File says much the same as Jill said above. Look for Video Clip Properties. Phil
  20. Those grey lines will only show if you have a Transition Duration set to e.g. 2 seconds. You can then drag the right hand side to alter the duration in the Timeline. Phil P.S. Hover your mouse over the zero point until the double arrow shows and then drag to the right.
  21. Now, I could be wrong, but after reading Ken's OP a couple of times I think that Ken does not want to use a Keyboard However, he contradicted his OP in a more recent post. He needs to specify "Control by Keyboard" in order to use a Presenter (a remote device). But not all Presenters allow for Cursor Control. So he needs a Presenter which also allows for cursor control. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Kensington-Presenter-Wireless-Joystick-Backlight/dp/B009K1PYG0/ref=sr_1_19?ie=UTF8&qid=1454410327&sr=8-19&keywords=kensington+remote+powerpoint+presenter Phil
  22. Remote pointer with cursor control: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Kensington-Presenter-Wireless-Joystick-Backlight/dp/B009K1PYG0/ref=sr_1_19?ie=UTF8&qid=1454410327&sr=8-19&keywords=kensington+remote+powerpoint+presenter Phil
  23. Ken, Have you considered a wireless TRACKBALL mouse? It would allow you to use your thumb to select links and the left and right mouse buttons action them. I have never used one for this purpose but in theory it does what you need. Phil P.S. check range of wireless version. Wired versions are available.
  24. Settings / Toggle Fullscreen OR F4 Phil
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