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Eric Matyas

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Everything posted by Eric Matyas

  1. Another Special Request to Everyone: If you possibly can, please consider making a small donation on my website to support my work. The synthesizers I use to create free music for everyone are very expensive (2 Korgs and a Yamaha.) I actually have to make monthly payments on them and donations from the creative community really help me a LOT to pay for them. Thanks in advance. :-) That said, I managed to get a couple of new tracks done for everyone. Free to use, as always, with attribution: On My Epic / Battle page: “COMRADES ALWAYS” (Looping) https://soundimage.org/epic-battle/ On my Fantasy 10 page: “OF KNIGHTS AND KINGS” (Looping) https://soundimage.org/fantasy-10/ Please stay safe and healthy.
  2. OGG TRACKS UPDATE Super high-quality Ogg versions of all my Fantasy Tracks are finally ready. That’s about 200 tracks to choose from…all created from my original WAV recordings (but much smaller in file size.) They sound great and are a cool way to support my work. If your editing software doesn’t happen to support Ogg files, feel free to convert them back to WAVs (or any other format.) That said, this week’s new free MP3 tracks are improved versions of the following: On my Fantasy 1 page: Misty Bog Mystical Backstory_v001_Looping High Altitude Station_v001_Looping https://soundimage.org/fantasywonder/ On my Fantasy 2 page: Strange Game Menu_v001a_Looping Strange Game Menu_v002a_Looping Strange Game Menu_v003a_Looping https://soundimage.org/fantasy-2/ On my Fantasy 5 page: Mystical Lands Beckon_v001_Looping https://soundimage.org/fantasy-5/ On my Fantasy 7 Sadlands_v001_Looping https://soundimage.org/fantasy-7/ And on my Sci-Fi 7 page: Alley Chase_v001_Looping https://soundimage.org/sci-fi-7/ Enjoy…and please stay safe (and healthy.)
  3. Good News: Super high-quality Ogg versions of all of my Puzzle Music Tracks are ready. That’s around 100 tracks to choose from…all created from my original WAV recordings (but much smaller in file size.) They’re really cool, too, because they can be used for all kinds of things in addition to puzzle games. You’ll find them on my Puzzle Music 1-5 pages. https://soundimage.org/puzzle-music/ More Good News: All of the tracks on my Fantasy 9 page now have Ogg versions as well. They sound great! https://soundimage.org/fantasy-9/ And even MORE good news: If you create arcade-style games (or know someone who does) Ogg versions of all the tracks on my Chiptunes 1 page are now ready, too. https://soundimage.org/chiptunes/ That said, this week’s new free MP3 tracks are: On my Epic / Battle page: PREPARING FOR BATTLE – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/epic-battle/ On my Fantasy 10 page: THE KEY TO THE KINGDOM – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/fantasy-10/ And on my Looping Music page: RACING MENU_V001 – (Looping) 80’S SPACE GAME LOOP_V002 https://soundimage.org/looping-music/ Keep being creative and please stay safe.
  4. A huge heartfelt THANK YOU to the kind folks who reached out and supported my work this month by donating on my site. You folks literally make this all possible. Thank you! That said, this week’s new free MP3 tracks are: From my Puzzle Music 5 page: ICE PUZZLE – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/puzzle-music-5/ From my Sci-Fi 9 page: TWISTED DYSTOPIA – (Looping) DETECTIVES IN DYTOPIA (Looping) https://soundimage.org/sci-fi-9/ Big Ogg Track Update! Super high-quality Ogg versions of a bunch my tracks are ready. They sound really cool and could be used for all kinds of things besides puzzle games I’m sure. They are: BOUNCE LIGHT 1 & 2– (Looping) FROSTY PUZZLER (2 versions) – (Looping) PUZZLE TRANCE – (Looping) HYPNOTIC JEWELS – (Looping) PIANO PUZZLES – (Looping) MONKEY ISLAND PUZZLER – (Looping) MUSIC BOX PUZZLER – (Looping) PUZZLE CLUES – (Looping) CRYPTIC PUZZLER 1 & 2 – (Looping) BELL PUZZLES – (Looping) MELLOW PUZZLER 1 & 2 – (Looping) THOUGHT PUZZLES – (Looping) ROBOT’S CUBE – (Looping) HAPPY PUZZLER – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/puzzle-music-2/ Have a good week and stay safe.
  5. A Request to Everyone: If you can, please consider making a small donation on my website to support my work. The synthesizers I use to create free music for everyone are very expensive (2 Korgs and a Yamaha.) I actually have to make monthly payments on them and donations from the creative community really help me a lot to pay for them. Thanks in advance. :-) That said, I managed to get some new tracks done for everyone. Free to use, of course, with attribution: On my Fantasy 10 page: DESERT MYSTERY – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/fantasy-10/ On my Sci-Fi 9 page: BLAST OFF – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/sci-fi-9/ And on my Events/Travel 2 page: COUNTRY CELEBRATION https://soundimage.org/events-travel-2/ Be well and stay healthy.
  6. This week’s new free MP3 music tracks are from two pages on my site: From my Chiptunes 3 page: THE PIXELVILLE HALL OF JUSTICE – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/chiptunes-3/ And from my Funny 7 page: GAME WORLD SILLINESS LOLA PIXEL RETURNS MORE FISHBOWL ACROBATICS – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/funny-7/ Please stay healthy and safe.
  7. Hi everyone, Here are this week’s new free MP3 tracks: On my Fantasy 10 page: WINTER OF DESPAIR – (Looping) OF CASTLES, MAGIC AND SPELLS_Remixed – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/fantasy-10/ On my Puzzle Music 1 page: MYSTERIOUS PUZZLE – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/puzzle-music/ On my Puzzle Music 5 page: OF JEWELS AND PUZZLES – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/puzzle-music-5/ And on my Chiptunes 2 page: PIXELIN’ IT AROUND TOWN – (Standard – non looping) PIXELIN’ IT AROUND TOWN_v001 – (Standard – non looping) PIXELIN’ IT AROUND TOWN_v002 – (Standard – non looping) https://soundimage.org/chiptunes-2/ Don’t forget about my premium Ogg tracks. They sound great and are super affordable…a cool way to support my work. Stay safe and healthy.
  8. Hi everyone, Brand new seamless texture images are ready on these pages: TXR – ABSTRACT https://soundimage.org/txr-abstract/ TXR – WOOD - SEAMLESS https://soundimage.org/txr-wood-seamless/ For those of you who are using my music tracks, I had a request last weekend for a bunch of higher quality Ogg versions of my tracks that I hadn’t yet converted, so they are now available if anyone is interested. They are: Funky Gameplay Windle Pixel Saves the Day (Looping) Puzzling Curiosities Points Tally Pixelin’ It Around Town Mysterious Puzzle Cyber Puzzles Cryptic Puzzler 2 Arcade Puzzler_v001 They sound great and are a cool way to support my work. :-)
  9. Hi guys, This week’s new free MP3 tracks are: On my Funny 7 page: THE MAD XYLOPHONIST – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/funny-7/ On my Nature/Science 3 page: A SEA OF STARS – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/nature-science-3/ And on my Puzzle Music 5 page: DRIFTING THROUGH MY DREAMS – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/puzzle-music-5/ I had a request over the weekend for a bunch of higher quality Ogg versions of my tracks that I hadn’t yet converted, so they are now available if anyone is interested. They are: Funky Gameplay Windle Pixel Saves the Day (Looping) Puzzling Curiosities Points Tally Pixelin’ It Around Town Mysterious Puzzle Cyber Puzzles Cryptic Puzzler 2 Arcade Puzzler_v001 Keep being creative…and please stay safe and healthy.
  10. Hi everyone, Here are this week’s new free MP3 tracks: On my Drama 3 page: THE NOMAD’S LIFE – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/drama-3/ On my Fantasy 10 page: OF CASTLES, MAGIC AND SPELLS – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/fantasy-10/ And on my Puzzle Music 5 page: CRAZY CANDY PUZZLES – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/puzzle-music-5/ Please stay safe and healthy.
  11. I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy…(and not going too crazy from being stuck inside.) Anyhow, brand new free texture images ready on these pages: TXR – Abstract https://soundimage.org/txr-abstract/ TXR – Rock/Stone – Seamless https://soundimage.org/txr-rockstone-seamless/ More media creators have been asking about my higher quality Ogg music tracks. Please know that I’m in the process of creating them and uploading them to Gumroad, but it’s taking time since there are over 2000 tracks on my site. If you want an Ogg version of a track that isn’t available yet, just email me and I’ll be happy to create it for you and put it on Gumroad. Be well.
  12. Hi folks, This week’s new free MP3 tracks are: On my Chiptunes 3 page: PIXEL RUNNER – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/chiptunes-3/ On my Fantasy 10 page: THE ENCHANTED FOREST SMOLDERS – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/fantasy-10/ And on my Sci-Fi 9 page: ORBITING INDUSTRIES – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/sci-fi-9/ More content creators have been reaching out to me about my Ogg music tracks. Please know that I’m in the process of creating them and uploading them to Gumroad, but it’s taking time since there are over 2000 tracks on my site. If you want an Ogg version of a track that isn’t available yet, just email me and I’ll be happy to create it for you and put it on Gumroad. Stay safe and healthy.
  13. Hi everyone, More content creators have been reaching out to me about my Ogg music tracks. Please know that I’m in the process of creating them and uploading them to Gumroad, but it’s taking time since there are over 2000 tracks on my site. If you want an Ogg version of a track that isn’t available yet, just email me and I’ll be happy to create it for you and put it on Gumroad. Anyhow, this week’s new free MP3 tracks are: On my City/Urban 2 page: “HUNTING A FUGITIVE” https://soundimage.org/city-urban-2/ On my Introspective/Emotions page: “ISOLATED” https://soundimage.org/introspective/ And on my Nature/Science 3 page: “FAR NORTH” – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/nature-science-3/ Stay safe and healthy.
  14. I hope everyone is safe and healthy. If you have kids (or know someone who does) here's a brand new free resource that I hope is helpful. It's a website for my video learning series, “Dune’s Island.” Within it you can freely access all the episodes, support documentaries and tie-in curriculum (like vocabulary, math problems, writing prompts and more.) In the coming weeks I’ll be expanding the site with all kinds of cool activities and more documentaries so please be sure to bookmark it. In the meantime, any and all feedback is welcome and very much appreciated. Enjoy and stay safe. https://www.dunesisland.org/ P.S. Please feel free to share it on social media. Thanks!
  15. New images are ready on the following pages: TXR – Brick – Seamless https://soundimage.org/txr-brick-seamless/ TXR – Metal – Seamless https://soundimage.org/txr-metal-seamless/ TXR – Rock/Stone - Seamless https://soundimage.org/txr-rockstone-seamless/ For those of you using my free music tracks, don’t forget about my super high quality Ogg versions…the sound quality is really amazing…almost as good as WAV files and at a fraction of the size. Be safe and have a good week.
  16. Hi everyone, I’ve been super busy, but I did manage to get a few new tracks done…all free to use with attribution: On my City/Urban 2 page: BREAK IN_v001 - (Looping) SODIUM VAPOR_v001 SODIUM VAPOR_v001 (Looping) https://soundimage.org/city-urban-2/ I just opened the Sci-Fi 9 page with this brand new track: SLIMY ALIENS FROM OUTER SPACE! – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/sci-fi-9/ My Sci-Fi 8 page got a bit too big, so I moved these two tracks to the new Sci-Fi 9 page as well: DESOLATE STREETS IN A MACHINE WORLD – (Looping) ELECTRIC DRIZZLE – (Looping) Enjoy…and have a good week!
  17. Big news, guys! All of my tracks on my Dark/Ominous page are now available as very high quality Ogg files. They sound amazing…almost as good as the original WAV files that they were created from…and are much much smaller in size. (The original WAV files are too large to upload onto my website.) If your editing software doesn't handle Ogg files, simply convert them back to WAVs (or anything your software likes.) Give them a try! https://soundimage.org/dark-ominous/ On that note, some people have asked me why I’m offering Ogg files when they can simply convert my free MP3 tracks to Ogg themselves. You are certainly welcome to do this, but it won’t increase the quality of the tracks at all because you’re starting with MP3. The reason my Ogg files sound so great is that I’m creating them from my original WAV recordings. That said, this week’s new free tracks are: On my Fantasy 10 page: SKY DRIFTERS – (Looping) SKY DRIFTERS 2 – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/fantasy-10/ On my Positive / Upbeat page: THE BALLOON HEADS DAY OUT – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/positive-upbeat/ On my Puzzle Music 5 page: FUNKY PUZZLER – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/puzzle-music-5/ And on my Sci-Fi 8 page: DESOLATE STREETS IN A MACHINE WORLD – (Looping) ELECTRIC DRIZZLE – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/sci-fi-8/ Enjoy…and keep being creative!
  18. More brand new free music tracks are ready for your projects: On my Chiptunes 3 page: NOSTALGIC FOR ARCADES – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/chiptunes-3/ On my Fantasy 10 page: TROUBLED LANDS – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/fantasy-10/ On my Introspective / Emotions page: DEEPER THAN FRIENDSHIP https://soundimage.org/introspective/ On my Puzzle Music 5 page: LIGHT PUZZLES 4 – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/puzzle-music-5/ And on my Sci-Fi 8 page: MORE MECH MONSTERS – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/sci-fi-8/ Enjoy…and don’t forget my super high-quality Ogg tracks.
  19. Greetings! This week’s new free (with attribution) music tracks are: On my Funny 7 page: COMMANDER FART HEAD – (Looping) SCOPING IT OUT WITH THE ANT HILL GANG – (Looping) MORE SEWER SLIMERS – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/funny-7/ On my Puzzle Music 5 page: PONG-A-LONG – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/puzzle-music-5/ OGG NEWS Very high quality Ogg versions of the following tracks are now available on my Dark/Ominous 2 page: MIDNIGHT FOG – (Looping) MIDNIGHT MIST MORE SEWER CREEPERS – (Looping and Standard) OMINOUS UNDERGROUND GOINGS-ON THE SECRET LAB FUTURE GOTH – (Looping) CREEPY STREET PERFORMER – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/dark-ominous-2/ Don’t forget to follow me on Facebook for daily updates as I release new tracks: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100017638394276 Enjoy…and keep being creative!
  20. Happy February! I hope everyone had a good weekend. Here are this week’s new free music tracks: On my Fantasy 10 page: BEYOND THE VALLEY OF DREAMS – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/fantasy-10/ On my Funny 7 page: SUPER SPLASH – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/funny-7/ On my Puzzle Music 5 page: PUZZLE MADNESS – (Looping) BRAIN TEASER 2 – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/puzzle-music-5/ And on my Sci-Fi 8 page: DEEP SPACE OUTPOST – (Looping) CYBER CITY DETECTIVES – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/sci-fi-8/ In other news, we’re using social media to share my free “Dune’s Island” films with the world. This is a huge challenge as it was a community project and our advertising budget is $0. Here’s a link to the films…please feel free to help us share them with home schoolers, educators and anyone else who might find them helpful. Thanks! https://vimeo.com/showcase/6574338
  21. I can’t believe January is almost over…wow. Anyhow, more brand new music tracks are looking for homes in your projects. 100% free to use with attribution: On my Fantasy 10 page: HAUNTED TUNNELS – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/fantasy-10/ On my Funny 7 page: GOOFY GUM – (Looping) GOOFY GUM 2 – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/funny-7/ On my Puzzle Music 5 page: PUZZLE FRANTIC – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/puzzle-music-5/ And on my Sci-Fi 8 page: TRIPPY SPACE TRAVEL – (Looping) GRUNGY FUTURE – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/sci-fi-8/ Follow me on Facebook for daily updates as I release new tracks: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100017638394276 And don’t forget my super high-quality Ogg files. Enjoy!
  22. Happy Sunday! More free texture images ready on these pages: TXR – Rock / Stone - Seamless https://soundimage.org/txr-rockstone-seamless/ TXR – Alien Skins https://soundimage.org/txr-alien-skins/ TXR – Abstract https://soundimage.org/txr-abstract/ Don’t forget my 2000+ music and sound effects tracks, too. Free to use with attribution. Enjoy…and keep being creative!
  23. Hey guys, Here are this week’s new free music tracks for your projects: On my Action 3 page: WILD WEST COAST RACING 9 – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/action-3/ On my Nature /Science 3 page: ARIZONA SUNSET – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/nature-science-3/ On my Puzzle Music 5 page: PEACEFUL PUZZLES – (Looping) PIXEL BUILDER – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/puzzle-music-5/ And on my Sci-Fi 8 page: SNEAKING AROUND THE GRID – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/sci-fi-8/ For daily updates as I release new tracks, friend me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100017638394276 Have a good week…and keep being creative!
  24. Greetings, New free texture images ready on these pages: TXR – Abstract https://soundimage.org/txr-abstract/ TXR – Abstract - Cartoon https://soundimage.org/txr-abstract-cartoon/ TXR – Bark - Seamless https://soundimage.org/txr-bark-seamless/ Don’t forget to check out my 2000+ music and sound effects tracks, too. Have a great weekend!
  25. I finally reached 2000 tracks last week…woo hoo! Not too bad considering I started the site with 100 tracks. Anyhow, I’m a bit under the weather this week…(back probs…ugh)…but I did manage to create a few new music tracks for everyone…free to use with attribution: On my Fantasy 10 page: FARAWAY WORLDS CALLING – (Looping) – Ready to go? https://soundimage.org/fantasy-10/ On my Chiptunes 3 page: ARCADE GOBLINS – (Looping) – Running around Pixeltown, causing chaos. I’d love to hear this in a 2D arcade-style game. Fun stuff! https://soundimage.org/chiptunes-3/ And on my Nature / Science 3 page: EXPEDITION NORTH – (Looping) – Embarking for the frozen wilderness. This track might sound nice under the title screens of an adventure game. https://soundimage.org/nature-science-3/ In case you’re wondering, attribution information is here: https://soundimage.org/attribution-info/ If you happen to use some of my assets in your projects, please feel free to share (if you wish.) I love to see how creative people are using my work!
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