Sorry, I guess a basic question on Slide Styles, albeit with an administration & organisational theme.
I have just re-read a recent question on the Forum as to where styles are stored so ‘best practice’ dictates that I need to create a new folder specifically to store free or bought styles that I have downloaded. I’m okay with that.
Relevant to my question though is that I have also just re-watched Lin Evans tutorial on ‘Styles’ to remind me how to import once downloaded. On screen images of this tutorial and it looks like Lin has SEVEN categories, but then comparing to my P2E 8.0.17 program, I have FIVE categories – Basic / Borders / Captions / Experimental / Image. Interestingly I happen to have an old page saved of, I think, a P2E Manual (printed Sept 2015), that shows two more categories than mine, My Style / & User Styles being the extra two.
So can I create new categories to store new styles within? (I don’t currently have ‘My Styles’ or ‘User Styles’). Away from P2E I am in the process of scanning old paperwork saved, and here I can create folders and sub folders to save, so can I within P2E?
How then do others organise style slides? And then how do you know what each can do?