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Everything posted by Xenofex2

  1. Is there any problem if one adds numerous video clips to individual slides in a Show but all which are of different sizes and frame rates? (eg 848 x 480 & 30fps, another, 1280 x 720 @ 29.97fps and so on). Or should I use a video converter first to get the video clips to the same size & frame rate before I bring them into PTE? With the lack of family get-togethers over the past year I was going to see if I could put together some of the family video memories for 2020 sent via WhatsApp interspersed with images. Just an idea. George
  2. Paul, Watched it. Captivating thankyou. Mosr certainly will be watching again but this time will stop start and try and actually match the video. Thankyou. George
  3. Thankyou Paul and I have also found the auto translate so my first New Years Resolution to watch your Tutorial. Many Thanks. Happy New Year George
  4. Sorry Paul, it must be me! (please don't agree though.) Yes I'd love to watch your tutorial but am having difficulty finding the link. George
  5. Paul Penny has dropped! Thankyou. Happy New Year George
  6. Thankyou Paul, However I would appreciate your help with this brilliant New Year Holiday Style, please! The style it says is 'applied to a blank slide' but your video shows it applied to other images. There is no doubt something obvious that I am missing but at the moment just cannot see. George
  7. Another inspirational video with clever use of animations and music to match. Thankyou. A Happy Inspirational & Creative New Year to you and your family. George
  8. Truly captivating. And to think I might moan if we get a small snowfall. Those two street benches covered in ice. Brrrrr! Great music and I have already watched it several times. Looking back I think that over the past year something that I have picked up on and started to use myself is that of the animated gif. Just love how you have used that Santa & his Reindeers near the end. So clear and defined. However seeing that, I find I have a new challenge for 2021. Was intrigued as to how you managed to edit that particular sequence. The reindeers, close up of santa, the reindeers. Did you actually edit it somehow? Can one edit a gif? Love it, thankyou. Happy Christmas & Best Wishes for a Safe & Covid free New Year. Must go, going to watch it again. George
  9. Paul, I just wish to add my sincere thankyou's. With any semblance of a family christmas get-together curtailed here in the South East of the UK, seven past Christmas memories converted to paintings, a 'Merry Christmas' font, and the song 'I'll Have a Blue Christmas Without You', with your Style, and I have the perfect short video clip to send to the family via 'Whats-App' on Xmas Day. Thankyou again for the Style and Inspiration. Best Wishes. Season Greetings and an Inspirational New Year. Stay Safe. George
  10. Paul, As an extra token of appreciation I see that there are around 6,500 languages in the World, so one a day ... 15years ??? ........ No I truly jest, sorry, my sad sense of humour!. For myself I just used google translate which gave me the english translation with no problem and then I sought the help of the Forum to seek how to change the description to which you replied. As I said before, I think this Style is amazing and how one can come up with the initial idea and then to create is truly incredible. I have to admit that another family christmas themed audio visual had been on my 'To Do' list for quite some while and this style has finally given me the actual kick up the backside and the inspiration to get on and actually get it done. So thankyou. AleAle5025 you are amazing. Thankyou. George
  11. Thankyou George
  12. Paul Thankyou for that advice. I will try it out later. George
  13. A brilliant Style. Thankyou. A general question though please although NOT specifically related to this Style and wonder whether there is any way to change the 'author's description' section to english? I did manage to copy over the google translation to initially change the description but it seemed that I could not make this permanent and it had reverted back when I re-opened the Style and checked the slide description, to it's original. I then thought I would test it out with a new project, inserted one blank slide, and then applied the translation. The program though did not like this and is 'not responding' and had to use the task manager to close down the program Any suggestions? Perhaps it just means a note in the Style Description to myself to refer elsewhere on the computer for those author's notes. George
  14. Awesome. Not only the ability to come up with the idea but then the creation. Superb. A great idea. Many many thanks. George
  15. Another stunning presentation, thankyou. Two questions please? Did you manager to visit when there were no tourists around, get up extra early, or had to remove people from your photos? Curious, Lake Ditrict & Tourists kind of go together? And in all your Shows I am captivated also by your choice of soundtrack. How do you manage to find such inspirational music? George
  16. Berny, Whilst I have no knowledge of the formats you mention, a Video Converter that I use occasionally, albeit for converting formats, is Movavi Video Converter. Just checked their website, made by NCH Software. May help. George
  17. Have just sent a message. Really appreciated.
  18. It must be me? Below is where I am clicking to download. The mouse icon on the screen turns into a hand showing that there is link. Certainly nothing in my Downloads Folder where all downloads go.
  19. Sorry, it must be me. I am obviously doing something wrong. I have been trying to download your recent new and exciting styles. Cannoy say that I have heard of yandex so just clicked on the download tab that seemed an alternative option. However I had expected the Style to then appear in my Downloads folder but there is nothing. Does it go somewhere else? Any suggestions please? George
  20. I am totally totally surprised that so far there have been no replies to this Forum Posting and the question asked. Thought it was an awsome Intro and Outro. Hopefully these can be posted as new Styles soon. George
  21. Rosemary, Brilliant, thankyou for the update. I have now started thinking more on a future family history project but one based more on a Timeline. George
  22. No idea if these are the matching instructions to that Family History Style. Checking to see if I had already got this Style I happened to note that in my Slides Style Folder was also a Word document. So just maybe, here are the instructions. FAMILY TREE PROTOTYPE STYLE Add a Blank Slide (16x9:1920x1080) and apply the style. Run in Preview or create an EXE. Choose a starting point. The Preview/EXE is Interactive. The "DOWN ARROWS" are active for the FIRST CHILD at each level. The "UP ARROWS" are active for the MALE at each level. The "UP ARROW" for the female PARENT is active. The PHOTO links are all active and RETURN to the correct level. Please feel free to "Jazz It Up" and Add/Subtract Children (and Pages) as required and spread them out. I haven't catered for multiple marriages at any level - you can add spouses. Change the NAMES and DOB/DOD for each relative as appropriate. Despite downloading the Style a few years back it is something I am still to use. My Family History PTE project(s) are still looking for that inspiration for a storyline. I did though put a short video together a few years back when the mother-in-law passed away of her early life and this was shown at her 'wake'. Not many photos though but I interspersed the audio/visual with images of what life was like and some major events that were going on at that time. Must say that the box of tissues that I had on the side came in handy. Hope those instructions are the ones. George
  23. Canico, I would say find a Photo Editing program that you find comfortable with and that fits your needs. Then I suggest that over the years you will slowly slowly be using it more and more. Remember to checkout Youtube for tutorials on how to do something, or even, finding the right photo editing program for you. George
  24. My initial suggestion would have probably be by using a Photo Edit program. Find a whatever landscape image is suitable for a background, but then either reduce the Opacity down of this background image or possibly even make it b&w. Then your above photo, perhaps with a border around, on the top layer. Whatever creative method you find will then avoid the black strips down the side. You could of course also do the same within PTE. Using a suitable landcsape background image and then add the image via Objects & Animation, perhaps even floating on. Two portrait images side by side? Check out to see if there are any Slide Styles that can help. George
  25. Thankyou Dom. However, I have checked, and double checked and all appear to be okay. Thankyou again for your help and re-assurance, and of course, those fantastic Styles.. George
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