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Everything posted by Xenofex2

  1. Thankyou for that information. Now that you are back I do regularly check your website and have already purchased some of your Styles. George
  2. Jill, But at least, in principle, you agree what I suggest will work. If I start then off in that direction and so gaining confidence, I can adjust movement etc as I progress to avoid too much repition. At least I am looking in the right direction. Thankyou, George
  3. I am a relative novice when it comes to creating a Style and would appreciate any comments on my further thought process, involving the displaying of slides/images from my box of old slides. My idea is that a ‘Slide’ would either emerge from my ‘Slide Album’ or ‘Slide Box’, and then halfway up the screen transform into a photographic image which stays in position for a few seconds and then a few seconds later, floats off screen. I am thinking that I need …. a) to create a Style that requires two images. 1 – The first is where my ‘Slide’ appears from the Album/Slide Box, stops mid screen. (Here I note the exact parameters/position where my ‘Slide’ has stopped.) 2 – Then the second image covers the ‘Slide’ as it transforms and then zooms out into an ‘Image’ and finally floats off screen. Here I would need to place my ‘Image’ in exactly the same parameters/position as in the previous point. Would that work, am I right in my assumptions or am I missing anything? Any suggestions/comments would be appreciated. George
  4. Jill, As these will have been transferred over from 'years old' slides, I was not thinking of displaying in the whole screen. Probably because I had been looking in the last couple of days and so influenced I guess by The Dom's Chestbox & Photobox Styles, I was thinking of my scanned images coming out of a box somehow. Perhaps I might take photos of my Slide Box and use that in the O&A screen. Or might be easier (for me), for the scanned Images to emerge from a closed old Photo Album - slide transform to photo. When I re-discovered the Box of Slides and realised what these lost images were, I felt I just had to put something together. At first I was completely stuck but now, with yours and Dave's suggestions, they have helped open up possibilities. Thankyou. George
  5. Initially I was hoping that there was already a Style/Template out there that I could adapt. Thankyou Dave for the suggestion. However having slept on my Question, I think I am now going to revisit a couple of Barry Beckham's tutorials - 'Masks' & 'Create a Slide Style' come immediately to mind - and so create my own. George
  6. Hi, There are also some at ... https://ptearchive.com/pte/ George
  7. Thinking I would use the lockdown to scan a box of my old slides that have not been seen for years, as they feature the first couple of years of our children (who now have children of their own), my thoughts then turned to how these scanned images could be presented. Initial thoughts were something like The Dom’s ‘Chestbox Slidestyle’ or ‘Photobox Slidestyle’ but my images will not fit either criteria as they will be a more square, aspect ratio. Any suggestions please for displaying a squarish aspect ratio? George
  8. Thnkyou Lin, both for that original Video Tutorial, and the above advice. Keep Safe George
  9. How to Put a Seamless Video Behind Your Slides – Lin’s excellent video in ‘Tutorials and Video Lessons’ section of this Forum. Watching it has made us start thinking as to how I could use it for one of my own a/v’s and have been wondering …… a1) - Is it the same technique if putting a video behind a random collection of slides? (and thus NOT behind a Slide Style as in this Tutorial.) b2) - Where the background video clip is longer than one’s slides in the foreground, does the video then come to an abrupt halt or continue to play? GGeorge
  10. Finally finally got it licked. "Place your mouse cursor carefully on the tiny dot in the very center of the object (your book page or cover). Hold down the shift key and when you see the cursor change, keep holding down the shift key and drag the little dot so it perfectly overlaps the tiny dot on the far left of the bounding square. " Thankyou again. George
  11. Sorry to return to this topic. Whilst I now have the left hand side of my Album/ and then the right when flipped starting and ending on the same axis, the page does not actually flip on that axis, like when you open a book. I attach another screenshot taken during the turn. Here the spine is along the 'B' axis but as you can hopefully see as the page flips over, it first moves to the right before ending on the 'B' axis. Sorry, suggestions again please. George
  12. Thankyou Lin. Got there. Even increased the size of the page and got it to flip on the same axis. So simple when you know how. Many Thanks. Stay Safe. George
  13. My ultimate hope was to try and create a landscape type photo album similar to the ‘3D Book Testing’ example posting a few weeks back within the Slideshows Section on this Forum. That was my intention but have got stuck at just the first base. Must admit, I did think that this part was going to be the easiest part!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have even reduced the size of the Album to try and help me determine what I am doing wrong. It is probably staring me in the face but so far, I cannot see it. I would therefore appreciate any help please. I am, side by side, watching one of Barry’s old Tutorials (3D Book start I see made for P2E9), but instead of a more portrait album, was going for a landscape size. Image, album 01, (below) in my mind shows the front of the Album, and the album image 02, I thought, should show the page open, having rotated on that ‘C’ axis … but it has not. At the moment I cannot see any obvious setting as to why it does not rotate on the Album spine, on the left. George
  14. Lowell, In the last few days I too have completed a project that took several months to put together and around 20 minutes to render to MP4. At the very beginning and like as already been mentioned, I created a new file structure within a Folder as originally, well for me anyway, recommended by one of Barry's tutorials. That way a copy of the images to be used are in the folder together with any editing completed that can be revisited at anytime in the future should you wish to change your project. However, as this was NOT an afternoon project, there were numerous saves made along the way and when it came to the final conversion to MP4, it was in this folder that the program automatically saved. I then have everything still together for archiving. Regardless of using a Mac or Windows, surely when you save whatever, you tell the program where to save? If that is the right place for you, then that is all that matters. George
  15. Ian An interesting post as I am undertaking a similar project. Our eldest grand-daughter will be 18 years old later this year, and am probably about three quarters along the way. Following on from DaveGee’s suggestion, I was actually looking at those recommended videos and would also recommend that you do not stop at the one suggested. I started going through them last night and subsequent ones also go into the same issue but from a slightly different aspect and thus suggestion. Then if not done already, check out Barry’s website as you can download some of those slide styles and make a donation towards the tutorial(s) and slide style. An alternative suggestion that I have used for some of my images is to put together a montage (using masks) using my Photo Editing program of loads of the photos from one year. Although not relative to your post, another maybe obvious suggestion but sometimes overlooked is to make sure you do regular saves of the project as you progress. And this time for the very first time, probably because I have used so many images of my grand-daughter and slides in the project I have started to action a nightly back-up of my P2E folder …. Just in case the worse happens and my computer dies. One further suggestion for once your project is finally completed and this comes from experience. Many years back I did put together, albeit using a different program, an audio visual of the same grand-daughter as it so happens and her first two years. With the benefit of hindsight, it was too long and had too many swirly effects linking the images. The problem though is that mindful at the time of a filling hard drive on my computer I just deleted the folder to make space and so am now unable to easily make any amendments. At that time I don’t recall that external hard drives were around. George Herts
  16. Lin, Once again a big thankyou. So easy when you know how. George
  17. Without actually trying to do it at this stage, at the back of my mind I have been wondering if and how to adjust somebody else’s Slide Styles – eg perhaps change timing or aspect ratio. I cannot see any reference in the Manual on how to amend Styles although I seem to recall a similar question on the Forum recently, but entering ‘How to adjust a Slide Style’ in the Search box gives me 17,783 results over 712 pages. Suggestions would be appreciated.
  18. Thankyou DG for your posting. Like the PTE Archive last week which gave a link to Styles for which I had missed the original posting, here is another site that I had missed. I now wonder what else out there is that I have missed? I will certainly be visiting the Diapora Shop. George
  19. I realise that it was over a month ago that this ‘3D Book Testing’ topic was originally posted on to the Forum. Just wanted to say to ‘stranger2156’ that I just loved that ‘3D Old Album’. I just felt that each photo had an amazing story to tell. For me, brilliant and has given us an idea on presentation for some old B&W family photos that I have hidden away in a folder on the computer somewhere. But then for something completely different was the ‘3D Book Motion’. Again for me, Great! George
  20. Admittedly it is only on reflection that I am somewhat surprised that there has not been more comment about this posting. Or, is it like me, the original point has been missed? To be honest, I had instead been looking at this posting to see if anyone was going to respond to that last sentence. ‘Wouldn't it be fine if users could find and have a preview of all styles published in this forum in just one place?’ I had actually believed from interpreting the odd comment on other postings to the forum in the last month that such a service was coming. However, I keep looking at the Forum each day in the hope of such an announcement with hope ... ah well, perhaps tomorrow! I was therefore just going to add a comment when I ‘again re-read’ that original message and finally noticed the link in the original posting – The PTE Archive - Depository for Styles and Transitions. Wow. What a find! Admittedly a ‘now and again’ User of PTE I still have had the program for years, upgrading each time, but have never ever seen any mention of this link. So from me, a big thankyou to Tom for the PTE Archive and to jt49 for the pointer. I just cannot believe that I never knew of it’s existence before. Wonder how many others are also not aware? Brilliant. Thankyou again. George
  21. Although it seems not to be an issue, following a search on the Forum for a Slide Style, I have somehow changed the default program that 'opens' Slide Styles to VLC and cannot find a way to return them to the default setting. Thought I had found the answer when changed the program to PTE AV Studio but that looks wrong. A screenshot of my Slide Styles folder is attached. George
  22. Lin, Now I have used P2E, occasionally, for many years but just want to say a special thankyou for this very helpful demo and explanation. It has definitely helped me and I have just used it to motivate and have now put together a short ‘Happy Birthday’ video that I will be able to send to our grand-daughter on her 18th birthday next year – brilliant, no last minute panic. Now I can see if I can try to put together a longer looking back 'over her years' memory project. Thankyou again Lin. Keep up the good work and my Best Wishes for the New Year. George
  23. Many many thanks for the comments. Some food for thought! George
  24. Although I cannot see or recall recent comment on the Forum, having just upgraded I was wondering whether there has been any change to the administration and ability to organise one's Slide Styles? Folders? Sub Folders? etc etc. George
  25. Gary As you say, there are drives and there are drives. Not sure though now if I fancy the drive yet see you passed some on pedal bikes along the way. Imagine a car breaking down on that road. Or icy. Another brilliant memory. Watching it did take me back to the 1950's here in the UK as on BBC tv, perhaps as an interlude between programmes, it was filmed from the drivers cab as the electric train went from London Victoria to Brighton (south coast) in just 4 minutes, normally a 60 minute journey. It is on youtube now. Your drive is scary enough as it is, but speed it up and .........! Oops! Thankyou for posting as am not on Facebook. Another brilliant watch. George
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