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  1. Thanks, I will try that out tonight.
  2. I am new to PTE, and I think it's a great product I am a wedding and portrait photographer and this product is ideal to show clients the finished product. The first presentation I put together on Sunday was great. I timed the transitions to the music perfectly, but, I am using a very fast PC with a Gig of memory, and I used my high quality, 300 ppi images. When I played the show on the client's PC the timing was way out. I've now corrected that problem by using lower quality images, which still look great on the client's PC. I have one remaining problem, though. At first, I spent a long time in the timing of the transitions. I used the customize slide, and set the timing of the images by trial and error. Then I discovered the Project options/ customize sync. Now I'm able to play the music (which is 9 min 33 secs long) and drop the transitions in exactly where I want them (the show should be 2 Min 42 secs long). After the transition to the last slide however, the last slide keeps on the screen until the music ends. When I was manually timing the show, I could set up the last slide's display time exactly to a brake point in the music. How do i do this in the Customize sync
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