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About Gilligan

  • Birthday 04/18/1942

Contact Methods

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Profile Information

  • Location
    Maui, Hawaii
  • Interests
    Kayak scuba diving & underwater photography

Gilligan's Achievements

New Member

New Member (1/6)

  1. Many thanks to both of you. This is why I love forums.
  2. Hi everyone, I apologize if this has been asked before. I want to display all the file names (JPEG's) with the photos in a slideshow so others can readily reference them to me without trying to describe a particular slide(s). I can't seem to find a way to do that without customizing each slide. Can it be done? Thanks in advance.
  3. Many thanks. Your suggestion works well. It allows me to keep a permanent intro show that has sync music and a second show (run external program) with all the pics that I can add and delete from without any music sync issues.
  4. I understand that I must sync the music so as to play the same on all computers. If I only sync music to the first 4 slides do I have to paste silence into the track so as to be able to sync the rest of the slides?
  5. Thank you.
  6. I loaded 105 jpeg's. The show is set to every 3 seconds except for the first 4 which are customized. I got all that down. I am trying to add music and of course have to edit the MP3 to lenghten the track to the the length of the show. Does the total length of the slide show appear any place in the program so I know how long to make the music track or do I have to do the math?
  7. Thanks everyone for the info and the compliment on my website. Tecman1, my dive photos are on my website, http://kayakdiver.com I am on Maui.
  8. Thanks LumenLux. I am in Hawaii but unfortunately I do not have the room to host the next workshop.
  9. Aloha, I'm new to the forum and just wanted to introduce myself and say hello. I am using the pictures to exe program primarily for my underwater photos. I'm sure I will have some questions from time to time.
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