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  1. Thanks everone all of the information was just what I needed to get going in the correct direction, The Show worked out just great. Can't wait to show this to the Bride and Groom. 726 images + music == almost 1Gig of Show. This program has endless possibilities. thank you all Barton www.BartonPhoto.com Now I need to learn how to get a much smaller show on to my web page. I think this would get the attention of a soon to be Bride.......
  2. Thank You all for your information. I have never been on a information system before. So how do I find this "cottage" and get Al's Pte101, Ogl and Carol's "Create Slideshow" also the You need to look for: boxig Posted: Feb 29 2004, 01:32 PM Again thank you for the help. This is new to me I'm usualy the one helping others with the programs I use. Barton
  3. THANK YOU Hawk FOR THAT MOST HELPFUL INFORMATION Every thing is so simple when someone knows the answers and is willing to share I'm sure I'll have more questions as I stumble along with this learning curve.
  4. Is it possible to preview the show at any image. This wedding show has 726 images. It would be nice to check the show starting with any image. So much to learn so little time.
  5. Thank you for the info. But what I'm looking for is step by step instrusction on how to do the final creation of the show. I've made the show. But when I save it to the CD. I have the compleate program it just as if I would be giving them a compleate system to make any thing they wanted. I just want to make a auto run show for the Bride. So the only thing they can do is see a Show, not how we make them. Hope I'm clear as to what I need to learn. www.BartonPhoto.com
  6. Having trouble understandin how to make a show that I can give to the Bride and Groom that will not have any of the program controls. I only want them to be able to view the show. this is my first try at making a show.
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