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  1. Thanks for the help Ken.
  2. Thanks for the help and advice Lin. Really appreciated.
  3. Thanks for all the help and advice, I'm still digesting it all. What I have seen and read so far makes perfect sense. One thing that really jumped out at me was from JRR's post in one of the linked lectures and that was the wording "Show off your images, not the software". Dave mentioned to look at some of the highly rated Landscape Photography show and that is what I'll be doing next. Thanks again for all the help and advice. Regards Mike
  4. Being very new to making slideshows, can I ask the more experienced photographers on the WnSoft forums what makes a slideshow better? I've already learned not to leave watermarks on slides as they are often distracting but I'm not sure if people prefer normal transitions between slides like a simple dissolve or if they prefer more animated transitions. Other things such as how long should you give the viewer to look at each slide, how important is the background music. There's so much to ask. Hope this all makes sense.
  5. Thanks for the help Dave.
  6. Mark, I would love to but I may need some help in how to do it. Is it as simple as ticking something that converts the file to Mac?
  7. Thanks for all the help and advice Lin, really appreciated. When I started out on the slideshow I just took the images from a gallery on my PC and dived in. As I learn more about PicturesToExe, slideshows and taking on board your advice, I will use new images without the watermarks. Thanks again for all the help. Regards Mike
  8. Being a wildlife photographer, I spend many hours in hides and some of these not very productively. During recent wildlife photography trips, I have been taking images of the landscape around where I photograph the wildlife and have tried to make a slideshow of what I see on my visits. Never having made a slideshow before, I have relied on a lot of help from members on the forum, so a big thank you to all who helped. So if you can spare a little over three minutes of your time, please take a look. Most of the images are in my local area of the Derbyshire Peak District. YouTube always seems to compress videos so I apologise if some of the images are not as sharp as I would have liked. http://www.slideshowclub.com/files/file/402-landscape-in-focus/?tab=comments#comment-563
  9. When I use the Experimental Four Part style, it gives the slide the name of Image 1 and calls all the slides done as Four Part Image 1. All the other slides in my show have their names taken from the image title. It doesn't change the way the slide works as part of the show in any way so it's not really a problem but it would be good to be able to read the slides title if at all possible.
  10. Thanks for the reply Lin. Are you aware of any "tutorials" on how to use the Unsharp Mask feature to "oversharpen" images in the way you suggest in the Deluxe version? Also can I ask if there is a difference in Unsharp Mask and Dynamic Unsharp Mask?
  11. Thanks for taking the time to reply Igor. When you say I can partially use Dynamic Blur in Essentials, do you mean Blur - Zoom In and Blur - Zoom Out? What I managed to do in the "trial" version was to add a slide, slightly blur it and then add two new images on top of the slide. In the Essentials versions, I can add two new images on top of the slide but I cannot blur it at all. Would I be able to use Unsharp Mask to sharpen my slideshow to improve the quality when it's shown on YouTube?
  12. Having downloaded the trial version of PTE, I have now paid for the software. What I didn't realise was the downloaded trial was the "De Luxe" version. Now having bought the "Essentials" version, I find I do not have Dynamic Blur which I had used in the downloaded trial. Unsharp Mask is also missing from the Essentials version. Can anyone please advise what can be done to a sldeshow presentation with Unsharp Mask that would make it worth me upgradinging to the full version, could it be used to make my presentation any sharper when being viewed on YouTube?
  13. Thanks Dave. Really appreciate all the help.
  14. Please excuse my ignorance, but what do I view the slideshow on? I clicked and downloaded the show but then I was asked what app (Windows 10) I wanted to associate the show with. I tried VLC Media but couldn't see anything. Thanks for the help.
  15. Brilliant Lin. Thank you for all your help and advice.
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