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  1. Thanks! Is there really a mac version coming ? That would be great.
  2. Hi, Removing the feature "create Mac-executable..." wasnt good thing. It was crucial thing on my workflow; I did presentation on Windows desktop workstation and used my mac laptop to present the show. Now its impossible
  3. PtE v9 was able to produce Mac-version that worked just fine with the latest Mac Os. This was crucial element on my worklfow. I did presentations on Windows desktop pc and used my Mac laptop to present them. Now its impossible - making video is not a valid solution.
  4. Thanks for the info. Case closed !
  5. PtE 9.0.15 displays Windows-taskbar (=does not hide it) on "Quick Preview" mode and ? Is it new mode or setting or bug? Windows 10 built 1709, nVidia 390.65 drivers.
  6. Ok! Its a feature then. It would be nice have the pte-projectfiles visible somewhere if you are playing with several projects or browsing them. But this can be accomplished also using the regular file explorer. Otherwise - it looks good so far!
  7. On official site only 9.0.4 is available for download. Where is 9.0.5 ? EDIT: Found it.
  8. Just upgraded to v9.0.4 succesfully. Working quite nice but I`m missing some folders/objects on directory tree and cant find them. Old version has them. Missing folder for example: "Documents". Problem 2: When selecting folder on directorytree - Only subfolders and jpg-files are visible on the right. For example .pte-files and mp3-files are hidden. EDIT: all other than jpg-files are hidden. One new feature would be nice: to add "favorites" (shortcuts to folders) on the filetree. Thanks!
  9. Thanks! I wouldn´t believe it was so simple solution Hadn´t even tried it ! Thanks a million.
  10. I´m making a new slideshow and stumbled upon a problem. I have slides, music and settings on an old slideshow, is it possible to copy some slide with their settings to new project? Also one hint to improve user experience: It is not possible to view photos or audio-files on browsing-window. It difficult to pick right audio file if you cant see the date or name.
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