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Everything posted by Boogie
Just made a new sequence in PTE v6.0. I wanted to transfer the sequence to another computer. Clicked on File/Create Backup in ZIP (First time I have tried this procedure, usually I use Templates). Entered location of files to Drive F - memory stick. Process seemed fine and Zip file was created on memory stick. Read zip file on other computer and all files including pte file were present. Double clicked on pte file, PTE program started with error messages - missing all pictures , missing sound file. - paths show the original computer file location. I thought that when a ZIP file was created, all files were collected together with NEW path. I couldn't find answer in FAQ's. What am I doing wrong? Boogie
JPD Thanks for the information, I will try it on my system. First, I need some more graphic cards. Boogie
JPD It was very interesting to see that you have run several projectors with PTE (v5.6 and 6). Many years ago I did a panoramic show with multiple slide projectors. It would be good to be able do this again with digital projectors. With your experience, can you give us some information on the PTE settings and output connections to 2 or 3 digital projectors. Thanks in advance. Boogie
Hi Gilbert I have successfully used a light box and macro lens to copy 35mm slides, it compared very favourably with scanned slides and a lot quicker. I would assume the same could be done with 2.25" slides too. Getting the right white balance was the only problem I had. Cheers Boogie
Stu Your new tool could not have come at a better time!! I have just bought a new notebook computer and was scratching my head as to how to transfer PTE and keys. Many thanks Boogie
Got it!! Well worth the effort. Very good. Thanks Ian for sharing it. Merry Christmas to you and ALL. Boogie
Thanks Ken I thought you had solved the Flash 9 problem for me with vimeo, but even vimeo told me I needed Flash 9 upgrade!! Ian's sequences are usually excellent, so it looks as though I will have to bite the bullet! Boogie
Hi Ian I tried to download your sequence. A panel came up saying I had an old version of Flash installed and invited me to upgrade to Version 9. I am always hesitant to download Flash and other upgrades. Are there any "funnies" with Flash 9? Boogie
Well done Luc. Very realistic fireworks. Are you going to let us see the PTE file so we can make our fireworks as good? Happy New Year to you as well Boogie
Hi Ken and Igor I am attaching 2 pics from the article which show the error for the PTE link. The website is www.photographymonthly.com which gives all details of 'Contact us' as well as a Subscription offer. Hope these help. Cheers Boogie Attached (I hope- first time I have done this!!) IMG_0284a.jpg IMG_0285a.jpg
Hi Igor/Ken/Barry You beat me to it Barry. Yes, the editor is Will Cheung. I can see no way of viewing Photography Monthly on line. Their website is www.photographymonthly.com which has all the 'Contact' details. If it helps, I can copy and send you the 2 pages which is about creating a slide show with Adobe Elements 6.0. The article makes a small reference to PTE and Proshow where the website error occurs (for PTE) Cheers Boogie
Thanks Ken. I have done that Boogie
For Igor's attention I have just got October 2008 issue of Photography Monthly magazine. There is an article on Page 82 "how to Create a slide show" Reference is made to PTE as a dedicated program for making slide shows. Unfortunately a link is given to "www.winsoft.com" - an error. Perhaps Igor would like to send a note to the magazine - email: pm@photographymonthly.co.uk They might print a correction and respond to a request to an article on PTE! Cheers Boogie
Peter I really enjoyed the show and found the tempo to be fine. One small suggestion is to replace/tweak the picture of the boats going up river ("We travelled all over and show little fear"). I thought this picture was not up to the excellent standard of all the others Thanks for sharing the show with us. Regards Boogie
Dave Excellent show. Choise of music vey good and fitted in well to the pics as did the sound effects. I thought the slight pan/rotate/zoom effects gave a very nice floating feeling as in a small plane (without the bumps!!). Possible improvement? Try getting the plane shots with a fullcircle propeller movement. It is tricky with the rest of the plane sharp, but it can be done with a slightly lower shutter speed. The ending gave me a warm glow, but I am a softy anyway!! Well done. Boogie
Add me to the list of people keen for a tutorial on Audacity. Particularly the advanced sections that are difficult to comprehend from the 'labels' (JK above listed some) B
You are not alone, I could not understand TheDom note re expansion. Help would be appreciated. R
Brian Thanks for your excellent notes. I downloaded the Nokia test card program (free from www.softpedia.com/get/Multimedia/Video/Other-VIDEO-Tools/Nokia-Monitor-Test.shtml via Google). It is excellent and so simply to use. I can set up my main computer and laptop. I have put the program on the desktop of my laptop that I take to do shows on a variety of projectors. At each venue I will be able to easily and quickly check the projector setup, screen, ambient light, etc. and make any necessary adjustments. It would also be useful on a memory stick for those folks responsible for a club's projector and have a variety of visiting laptop/notebook computers. Thanks again for your tip. Boogie
Well done Paul. I think I will have to visit this one. The photography was excellent and the 16:9 aspect looked very good on my wide screen monitor. I could not see the 'joins' on the vertical pan!! I would have liked a brief explanation of the history of the memorial in a voice over. ? version 2! Cheers Boogie
The Hold Time Point Box (Right hand bottom Main screen) is a new one to me. When the mouse cursor hovers over the box a help note pops up which reads "When this option enabled, sorting, adding or deleting of slides will not affect on timepoints which you've set on the timeline according music" 1. With my monitor 1680 x 1050 only the first few words show, the remainder are cut off. On another monitor set at 1024 x 768, all the words show. Can the position of the help note be moved so that all size monitors show the note? 2. The English translation does not make sense to me. Can the 'on' between 'affect' and 'timepoints' be omitted? What does 'timeline according music' mean? Can anybody give a little more information on this function. Congratulation to Igor and All for the Great program. Boogie
Ian I use Audacity (Version 1:2:6) but cannot see "Wave out mix". The list from my drop down menu (Top right centre) is: Microphone, Line in, CDplayer, Aux, Stereo mix, Mono mix. Where can I find "Wave out mix"? Boogie
Jean-Pierre My head is going around in circles... sorry ellipses!!! I did it!!!! The mathematics were a bit complicated, but I got there in the end. Very many thanks Kind regards Boogie
Jean-Pierre Wow, this is getting complicated! Give me a day to try the settings. Many thanks in advance. Boogie
Hi Jean-Pierre I am still in some trouble. With your notes, I can get 2 Electrons to trace the same ellipse as your Slide 7, but if I change the values of 1 of the electrons as your note, the angle of that ellipse changes too. I want to have 1 ellipse ( say at 0 degrees) with the 5 electrons spaced evenly around that ellipse and all 5 to rotate around the 1 ellipse. (3 electrons will prove the settings). Hope you can help. Regards Boogie
Jean-Pierre - Many thanks for that information. It is just what I wanted. Your slide No. 7 showed me how. You are a 'Star'!!! Your help on the forum for this and previous demos is greatly appreciated. Regards Boogie