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Everything posted by pharmer

  1. Thanks Ken for your reply. Unfortunately I did a search of this forum and tried everything mentioned in the posts and I'm still getting the invalid key message. Can someone tell me how I need to format the hey to reach the 231 byte requirement? REGEDIT4 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PTE] "Key"="*** Is this the correct format? Thanks in advance
  2. John Thanks for the reply I tried it both ways but it still comes up with the invalid/damaged key error. This is what I used to create the .txt and reg file. Am I missing something ? REGEDIT4 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PTE] >"Key"="**** Thanks
  3. I just bought picturestoexe and I'm experiencing the same registration problem. I use Eudora as my mail program and can not save the "invisible attachement" I also tried saving the key in notepad by copying from key = onward and still had no luck. When I copy the key what name and extension should I give the file? I tired apr.key as well as apr.txt? Do I include the "'s? With either one I get the invalid key message. Any help to resolve this problem would be appreciated. Thanks
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