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  1. If your using the new windows media player in XP it has copyright protection built in so some music files won't play on other computers unless you go against the copyright which you can do. I really don't remember how to do it but I think it just ask's if you want to keep the copyright or let others use it.
  2. What I had to do to fix the problem show is copy the music files off the original again using the new media player, delete the old music files in the show and then add them back in again. They now work the way they did before. There was nothing wrong with the files. The new Media Player has some copyright protection built in and I think it formats the files differently. I wonder if they are now backwards compatible???
  3. I updated windows media player to series 9 and now none of my shows will play the music included. All files are support my media player but they still don't play. It worked good till the upgrade. Can't delete the upgrade and go to an earlier restore point. Any help would be appreciated. These are .wma files to be played. Bluechip
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