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Everything posted by quickflicks

  1. Download his Slideshow about How to use it. The show is well made with very good narration. ImPro will become a valuable addition for many studio Photogs.
  2. You are right with this one! Why use a bike like Impro to make PTE slide shows. I use the File Browser, flag the selected images. then I crop them manually to 1024x768 at 72ppi. (I have this setting in the Presets). This way I can determine what I want to show. Now I run a Script which builds a folder uses the flagged files, color corrects the pictures, sharpens them and inserts my copyright at the lower right corner with the file name and a save for Web uses Image Ready to save the pictures to this folder. If I wanted I could re name the pictures in Alphabetical order and when dropped they would be in order. From there I drop them into PTE. The result perfect pictures. Why use an other program if PSCS does it the right way? Oh! Do I use Script Builder or Side Click Pro? Hell No. I know about Actions and Scripting and those gimmicks are for folks thinking it's easier with them but they are very, very limited and not good at all. Looks like ImPro is another one.
  3. All, in his situation or as a matter of fact for any one using ImPro as a sales tool one wishes to have the presentation on the second monitor. This could be a Monitor, Tv Set or a projector. ImPro is still in the developing state. Allmost all the help files do not corespond to the version I downloaded. Dual monitor is the problem.
  4. Yes, and the program is not ready for prime time. When setting the preferences for Dual Monitor the splash Screen shows up on both monitors but on the second without the Exit, Slide and Thumbnails button and when clicking on a picture or right clicking on two pictures they show up but from there no way to go back, One can not exit the program. Ctrl+ALT+Delete is in order. The slide show build in nonetheless runs on the second monitor when activated from the main. When the preferences are set to only one monitor it's OK but still has a lot of quirks. They must bring their own house together.
  5. No! it is not how to do it. It is a cuestion of fitting a Vertical Picture on a monitor which is Horizontal. Fit does the following: Fit Image fits the current image to the width and height you specify, without changing its aspect ratio. Meaning I acomodate the image to a given size. But I can not make a 5x7 picture out of a file of 2000x3000pixels not even with fit I have to crop. My one is set to: 1024x768. where 1024 is 4 and 768 is 3 hence the 4:3 aspect ratio. Len Bartz says: This can not be. One can not fit a vertical full size 3:4 into space of 4:3. No program can do that and no program can be written to do that because it CAN NOT BE DONE
  6. A Portrait is say: 768x1024 the smaller number being the Width. A Landscape is then from the same camera: 1024x768. Now when resizing if I type 768 for Width on the Landscape I get: 768x 576. If the Landscape I type: 768 for Height I get 576 for Width. It all depends what you choose as a fixed value the other will be adjusted automatically if Constrain Proportions is selected. This can not be.and I repeat That can not be because if on a vertical you type 1024 for Width you will get 1365 for the Height and therefore you see the full width on the screen but not the full length. You are speaking Non Sense Aspect ratio of screen is 4:3 and you can not fit a 3:4 to fill the screen at least not showing the full picture. According to this you can view on a second Monitor having the controls on the primary. My Webpage Steping down from my soap box NorbertMy Webpage
  7. There is Betwin. take a look. This allowsto run severalcomputers on one machine.. It might help, My Webpage
  8. I have a Matrox with two outputs, when I crab the slide setup on the titlebar I can just drag it over to the second monitor but it will run on the primary.
  9. Select all the images which have to be rotated in Windows Explorer. Right click on one of them and select Rotate. If you use the File Browser in PSCS they are only rotated in the browser and you must open them in order the rotation to become efective. If you batch process in PS you must have two folders as the source one for Horizontal the other for vertical and an action for each one. A script can nontheless detect if a picture is in Landscape or Portrait.
  10. Here is the first step for actions. Not what was asked for. Is is a response to folks emailing me for a fast workflow to print two 5x7 pictures on one sheet of paper. This automation can make a sheet in less than 5 seconds. Since I am a bit active now I will make a page or two to answer the question of how to resize etc. using actions. The Navigation on top is not working yet, because I am still working on this pages. Use the buttons at the bottom. My Webpage
  11. Well Al every thing has already been sayd. Just want to join in that birthday party. and counting Norbert
  12. I have gotten lately many emails not from this forum but from Rob Galbraith's for similar questions, because I was promising to put tuts on the web, but never really finished them. Now I am finishing them, but again I am also working on the same ones to bring a slide show together. I get very often carried away or loose interest in things I should do. Perhaps I need to get my head fixed. The tuts of Gerad are very nicely made and easy to follow they have every thing a beginner needs. Must finish my ones now. Was not reading this topic for a while.
  13. Bravo Daniel. El sabor de Espana es siempre asombroso visto de un punto Aleman. Me gustó muchisimo. Los pasadobles tambien son de primera. Si: Sol y sombra. Que viva Espana!
  14. What problem did you have? How did you solve that problem?
  15. Will download tomorrow the other two FlashMes and see. I am on XP pro. 3 months old machine. I build it myself like I do always. Will veryfy sound and video drivers. I ussually do this if I find a problem with the funtioning of any program. Thanks
  16. I just downloaded FlashMe3 unfortunately when/if I click anywhere inside the aplication it closes instantly. Unziped again but same thing. Filesize of the FlashME conf.Exe is: 620.509 bytes. Any known problems? Thank you. Norbert
  17. What are the dimensions in pixels for Landscape and portrait? In which format are they psd, tiff, jpg?
  18. Techman! Make it easier for him and write him.
  19. Click on Project Options then on Advanced make a mark in Show Navigation bar. Click on Customize Navigation Bar and select what you want/need. Click OK.
  20. They are correct in Netscape 7
  21. I can not remember if PS 5.5 has Batch processing. If it has I can run you through the steps. To find out: Click on File. In the dropdown menu it should have "Automate" if it has it hold your mouse over it and you should see "Batch". If this is there post back. Telling me if all the pictures in your folder are in one mode or some in Portrait others in Landscape.
  22. 1) A nicer Navbar with a Hide Button. Kind of a Interface Design. 2) Perhaps a choice to select from two or three Nabbars. See this site to see what I mean. My Webpage
  23. Well here in New York City they have real cats in their homes, Tigers I mean. Things may be different.
  24. Thank you Bill. Very emotiomal show even for me as a German. I was 11years old and in the Hitler Youth in a town of 6.000 20 miles from Stuttgart, my task was to go to the sites airplane crashed when shot down and take prisioners and burry the death. My group and I burried 16 Americans and the Lutheran Priest was always there with his sermons. We broke the ID in half and delivered them to city hall where they were kept. One two or three years later Military or family members came for reburial and all the graves were easely found. Where I do not know. Perhaps in the States. We had a gym which was used for the prisioners, they worked in the fields doing peasant work without much or some times any supervision. Food was no problem other things like soap and others was. Some French prisoners came back for vacations and established good friendships with the owners of the fields. Your show is excellent it shows all the drama bringing back memories. There was one thing in common for friend and foe and you did not miss it. It is the song of "Lilly Marleen." Congratulation!
  25. guru I took a look at this program and run a sample show provided on their site. What a horror of a New York slide show. This is disgusting for any sample of any program. Compare this with any show on Beeckbrooks' site and I am not speaking of the shows from the developers or experts but any and there you have it. Day and Night
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