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About Jozem

  • Birthday September 17

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    Lindsay, ON Canada
  • Interests
    Nature, Photography, People, Origin of languages,slideshows,travel,architecture,cemeteries

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  1. Hi Lin: I have implemented your ideas and presto, it is now working seamlessly, I can now pause in the middle of my story make adjustments to music or texts or timing on the slides and can press play and it picks up exactly where it left off when paused, so thankyou from the bottom of my heart I have now completed it and it is now more polished and professional looking and sounding. To me this was a huge huge help! Best regards, Jenny
  2. Hi Lin: Wow! You have gone above and beyond any assistance I was seeking! Thankyou I will most definitely do that to the file. Am just now putting finishing touches on the story and will include your additions. In my opinion thanks is not enough, how about I see what I can do about your political leader hmmm. Lol That may cover your expert kindness to me! Kind regards, Jenny
  3. Hi Lin: I will see what I can do to reduce the file size without losing impact of the story itself. Thank you so much for all of your input. I hope that someday I may be of assistance to another newbie such as myself. Kind regards, Jenny
  4. Hi Lin: Your feedback is very much appreciated on this project as we intend to publish this to our website once it is completed. I am pleased to hear that you feel I have used the software in a good way. We had done research on which software would be best for our intended use and we kept coming back to Picturestoexe for the friendly user ability, relatively shorter learning curve and the creativity which I am still exploring. I am a self taught individual on software and will most likely never use Photoshop to its fullest potential but it does the job for me for what I need it for currently. The style used for 29-39 was the floating images with all having the same background image but each one was a different image of leading up to Kilworthy House, and yes I chose to keep the music track playing at -3% volume. I am using a 64bit operating system, windows 10. I have created two other stories in Picturetoexe at about the same number of slides using various styles and transitions with video and music, but this is my first with an audio track overlayed playing through a number of slides. I will most definitely take your advice for the ending. I again appreciate your assistance in this Lin, how can I ever repay you for your kindness?
  5. Hi Lin Here is the link you can download the zip file from. http://www.mediafire.com/?k80z6n9ejj46n89gwz6kpydxprr1yip I truly appreciate the assistance and any tips from you.I have hit a wall currently and yes am a brand new user of this program, just purchased it in February this year for my new business.Jenny
  6. Lin: i will use your advice Lin and you should see it soon as vimeo will not allow me to upload the zip file. Regards, Jenny
  7. Lin: you are an amazingly generous and kind person. I will do that immediately. Thank you I have an account with Vimeo so will see about uploading it there. Jenny
  8. Hello Jill: Thank you for your reply Yes I had forgotten to mention that this was already selected and yes in the dropdown menu I had tried selecting it to fit to the selected 17 slides that I want the audio to play over in the show, but it defaults to all slides so unchecked that. I am using the previous version 8 if that helps. I have even tried removing it saving the project then reopening and adding again but still the same issue. No matter where it is on the track I pause it when I hit play again it then will begin at a few seconds behind where I paused. Or if I decided to go to any slide after slide 17 where the audio is to end the audio track of my narration begins to play as if I have begun at slide 1 again. I am perplexed to say the least. Jenny
  9. I have recorded my voice narration separately and added it as an audio track mp3, however, when I am in either timeline or slide mode I cannot just start the project in the middle of a slide to make adjustments to timing of the track , as it will play while a video is playing , even though on the slide I have selected, the audio track that is now playing, is supposed to have stopped quite a few slides ago. I have tried locking the track but it is not working to resolve this issue. I must always start at very beginning of project.... play until I get to the slide I am adjusting timing on. I am concerned that once I publish the project the issue will still be there. I have tried adding it through add audio but same issue, have dragged the track onto the timeline separately but still same issue. The track is 5.56 min long and it is to be playing over 17 slides. I have highlighted the slides it will play over to hopefully lock it to just those slides but the entire project re-adjusts the timing on every slide to fit to that specific track. I am at a loss....any suggestions will be very welcome. Jenny
  10. Lin I would like to take the time to say thankyou very much for the varied tutorials you provide to the community. I am a newbie in this field and love how flexible the program is. I am a self taught individual and still in the learning stages with respect to the creation of templates. Currently am learning the PTE program and would love to post a short project having used the program for any critiques within the community. 

    Kind regards,


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