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  1. Mick


    Hi Everyone, Thanks for your reply, I discovered what I was doing wrong. When publishing the slideshow, I needed to select the MP4 option instead of the first option which is for replaying on a computer. Michael
  2. Mick


    Thanks, JKB, I tried to upload it from a USB key, but the iPad did not recognise the file format.
  3. Mick


    Hi all, Is it possible to upload a slideshow to my IPad Pro? many thanks Michael
  4. Thanks, everyone, I'll have a go at the video soundtrack and look forward to v 12. Michael
  5. Hi All, Can anyone tell me if adding a sound effect to a slide style is possible? I can add a soundtrack and attach it to a slide in a slide show but I would like to add a sound to a slide style. Many thanks Michael
  6. Thanks davegee I'll try that
  7. Can anyone explain to me how I can print a slide from a slide show that I created. Many thanks Mick
  8. Thanks Lin, Did all that and its working for me. Much appreciated. Mick
  9. Thanks Lin, Your are a great help as always. I presume if I wanted to insert more pages I repeat the same again? Mick
  10. Hi Everyone, I've just downloaded Dave's Album, great slide style. Can anyone tell me how to put Dave's two image and three image pages between the covers of the "album". Many thanks, Mick
  11. Thanks again Lin it worked perfectly. Mick
  12. Fantastic, thanks so much Lin I'll try that to night when I get home. Mick
  13. Hi everyone, I'm looking for a slide style that starts with say four or five images centered and stacked behind each other then they move to the four corners and the center one zooms in Thanks Mick
  14. Hi Igor, Thank you for your help. I too installed the 9.0.12 and the font button is working fine but like chanfi22 there is a delay after pressing the font button and the display of the font list. Mick
  15. Hi Igor, Font test9 complete no error messages. My version 9.0.11 working well. Fontlog9 attached. Mick fontlog9.zip
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