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Everything posted by joel

  1. Since hooking a computer to my tv I have less of a need for a dvd at home, but a dvd makes traveling with a show easier
  2. Hello Joy, If I understand your question correctly you need to set the images up in an image editor. The second photo is created by adding the second picture to the background image in your image editor. Place it where you want it and save this image, do a save as so as not to overwrite your first image. Then using this second photo you just created add your next image and place it where you want it and do a save as again. You now have three separate photos. You can now add them in sequence in PTE and do a transition such as fade between each of the three photographs. Does this help? Joel
  3. As a user of three of these products I will make a few comments. I was a user of Slide Show to Go. It is a very good program, however once I found out about PTE, it became my slide show program of choice. PTE has many more features, both programs are very user friendly, but the support of this forum and the outside utilities that are available make PTE a much better choice. Photodex's Pro Show Gold just came out with a new version. The last version 1.32 was a fantastic program, also very user friendly and very quick and intuitive to make multiple slide shows very quickly. The new version 2 which was in beta testing for a long time and was suppose to be ready to go, is a disaster as far as I'm concerned. It is very buggy and does not make a useable show that I would give to anybody, the image quality is very poor and the audio rendering is even worse. I uninstalled it and reinstalled V 1.32 which was very stable. As far as value for your money PTE wins. Pro Show Gold is now $69 and you only get upgrades for one year. If you can get your hands on V 1.32 you should give it a try. I haven't used any of these programs to make a DVD, the only time I needed to make a DVD I used Roxio and I got a very nice show. Joel
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