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Rose Douglas

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Everything posted by Rose Douglas

  1. Thx very much guys for your help!! I must say I find the 125mb very restrictive! My entire AV is only about 4 mins/one song and a few images!!!
  2. Hi there, Yes only slideshow.club LOL
  3. Have done all that!! All images only 1920x1080 less than 2mb each.
  4. Hi there, Maybe a boffin can help me with this please. I am battling to zip my files to below 125mb. what free program is the best and what am I doing wrong? Many thx Rose
  5. Hi there, i have just joined this forum and would like to post a couple of AV's here for constructive criticism. Am I able to do so? I tried with the download but it is asking for JPeg files??? can some body please point me in the right direction. Many thx, Rose
  6. Hi Lin, Thanx so much for your help. Yip I will download a trial version first and play around with it. Regards, rose
  7. Hi there, I am new to this forum so hope I am not repeating a question. I currently use Premiere Pro to edit my videos and Photoshop CS5 for my photos. I like to make a slide show of my images but am finding this is becoming boring hence the need for me to purchase P2E. Question please. 1) Can I import .mxf video into P2E and how would I do this? 2) How long can I make an AV without it crashing? Many thx for the help! Rose
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