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Everything posted by Tomcatred55

  1. Barry Beckham mentioned Layer Masks as a way I could have improved my AV "Can you tell what it is yet?". I am unsure how to use them. Have you made an instructional video explaining the technique Barry, or anyone else.
  2. Music is a very personal thing but I found this piece absolutely unbearable. The puzzle pieces did fit in very well with the beats of the music though (no pun intended). The thing that I thought spoiled the AV was the unnatural way that the puzzle was done. Nobody fits a puzzle piece that doesn't connect with any other piece, you wouldn't know exactly where to put it. Surely most people complete the edge pieces first then work in from one edge where a figure or a boat is. It's a small detail but, I think, an important one.
  3. Anybody?
  4. You are very astute jt49 The version of the music that I downloaded had the last note missing and ended very suddenly. I should have found another version I suppose but thought I could hide the issue with a fade. I obviously failed.
  5. Check it out on Slideshowclub for better quality. Not heard about that competition but it is entered in the MCPF AV Championship later in January. I will have a look at the Bridgend comp. Thanks for your nice comments.
  6. To go beck to the OP if I may. Did you post any AV's Rose? The issue with adding JPEGs confused me to start with but all it means is to add an image to "advertise" your show. Either the title slide or an image from the show that sums up what it is about.
  7. Holy cow..... complicated. Thank you though Dave.
  8. Sorry if I missed it Barry but how do you actually apply these modifiers? I can see the "modifiers" box in Objects and Animation, do I just type in the word "smooth"?
  9. Thank you Jill a fair assessment of the show. I totally agree about movement during a fades but I couldn't figure out how "key points" worked in V9 when I made this one but I've sussed it now. Not sure it's worth redoing.
  10. Does anyone else find that they get lucky with lyrics? I never even initially chose that music because of the line about it being "cold last night". Also sometimes a lyric will fall perfectly for an image, or so close that you can tweek the timing to fit.
  11. A simple AV of a frost morning walk in Evesham.
  12. Oh blimey, this gets harder and harder to do. Sorry try it now, or do I have to post another link?
  13. An AV with a difference. Took a lot of work in Photoshop to achieve this show, hope you like it. https://www.facebook.com/brian.perkins.3572/videos/1307303822745625/ Looks like the FB quality is not great, sorry.
  14. Another excellent post Barry. Two problems I encounter on Slideshowclub. Firstly I have still failed to work out how to post an instantly viewable MP4 (I don't put my shows on YouTube, yet, and I've never even heard of Vimeo). The other issue is finding the "comments" button. It appears on the main page but when you click on a show to view it the button isn't there (unless I need new glasses).
  15. You would think so wouldn't you but I'm damned if I can find a URL for a Facebook page on my phone.
  16. I'm still desperately trying to work out how to do that. I can't, as yet, upload AVs to YouTube or Vimeo so can't post a link to those. I have put a couple of AVs on Facebook but can't work out a way to post a link to them. Any help would be appreciated.
  17. I realize that mobile phones aren't the best way to view AV shows, due to the small screens, but I sometimes try looking at shows that require you to download them first and they don't always work. I've not had this issue on my PC so I think it must be an issue with my phone.
  18. Just noticed that I appear to have two usernames in these forums (here and Slideshowclub). I probably forgot that I signed up a while ago and created a new account recently. I would prefer to use my new user name if "Tomcatred55" rather than "Bizz1963". Please advise how I rectify this issue.
  19. Excellent post Barry, spot on.
  20. So "wideangle" are you saying that at your car shows absolutely nobody comments on other people's cars? I know that isn't true as I have been to car shows myself.
  21. The thing is though "wideangle" people aren't even just saying that they enjoyed others work are they. Not all comments need to be negative, in fact nobody should only be negative about a piece of work. If you don't like something at all THEN you can just say nothing.
  22. To me it is like joining an "owners club" of a car that you own, driving it to a show and NOT wanting people to comment about your car. It just doesn't make any sense, if you aren't competitive and you don't want comments about your work, why are you here? Sometimes we are too close to our own work to spot a fault and it takes someone else to point it out. That way you learn to be better at making AVs, if the only comments you get are positive ones then you can think that your work is as good as it can be, and that is always doubtful.
  23. Always interesting to hear other people's ideas. Personally I can't imagine why anyone would sign up to a forum or website specifically for PTE if they just want what you suggest. Why not just share them with your family and friends if that is your attitude to AV?
  24. Why should criticisms only be posted on forums like this, rather than directly on the Slideshowclub website? Drives me to distraction how people who post images or AVs take criticism personally. Most often I find it isn't the person who posted the thing in the first place who attacks you for daring to think that it isn't amazing. Strangely enough it is usually a woman who takes exception. It does puzzle me why anyone would post any media if they don't care what anyone else thinks about it but I guess we are all different.
  25. I think it should be the exact opposite. Critiques should be expected unless you specifically request that you don't want them (why that would be is a mystery to me but it takes all sorts).
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