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Everything posted by Tomcatred55

  1. Tell me about it. There's me thinking the whole point of an "exe" file was that you just clicked on it and it played.
  2. Interesting comment Lin. Personally I do enter AV competitions but would welcome comments from anyone. We all have an opinion on what we like and don't like whatever your background. As long as people aren't rude about a show then why not say what you don't like as well as aspects that you do like.
  3. Personally I don't see the need for a separate section Dave. I think most people will appreciate honest feedback on any work they post.
  4. That is any of the shows, not just mine.
  5. I am also new and I have uploaded two sequences to Slideshowclub but none of the shows seem to have any comments about them. A few have single reviews but no comments.
  6. Sorry Lin didn't mean to tell you what to do with your own AV just offering my own opinion.
  7. Great idea, I have done something similar myself but without the brush (I'm not that clever) but I do wonder why the painting is so small in the frame. It is nice to have the background and snow falling but the painting is the main subject.
  8. I am new to "Slideshowclub" and I am wondering why there are no "comments" on any of the shows. Some have reviews but I haven't see any with comments.
  9. I have discovered that already. I have an IAC music license but Facebook don't seem to acknowledge that.
  10. That is disappointing, in my opinion. Is there another website where you can upload your slideshows that can be viewed without needing to download them?
  11. Thanks Dave but are you saying that there is no way to watch the slideshows without downloading them? Seems an odd site if that's true.
  12. Hi all I have just signed up to slideshowclub.com but I can't work out how to view the shows that have been posted. I can download a show and watch that but I don't really want to download a sequence just so that I can watch it.
  13. That was it, all sorted now Igor Thank you so much all who offered their help, much appreciated.
  14. Don't laugh too much, it is an old PC that I only paid £40 for lol
  15. Did you check both files tom? One is the normal P2E file and the other is corrupted video that I saved from the P2E project. How did you convert the P2E file to an HD video? If I could do that then I wouldn't have any issues.
  16. Not sure if this will work but try that link. https://wetransfer.com/downloads/11876cd718017c3e4675ebaefaab40ab20181222151823/7c5970c354bb5c05fe344cc4343c2af420181222151823/c9a34d
  17. Sorry tom you will have to bear with me. What have you saved and do you mean that I upload it as YCbCr (whatever that is)?
  18. Thank you Barry. I am a bit of a computer dummy so not sure how to upload to the cloud and isn't "we transfer" just a way of sending files to people direct? Ergo if I haven't got you, or Igor's contact details I can't send it. Could I not just post the full, corrupted, AV on here direct? By the way I am quite sure that the problem is at my end, I just need advice as to how to cure it. Like I said my PC is a bit rubbish RAM wise and not much room left on either of the 2 hard drives I have so that is quite likely to be the problem. Just now trying to free up a bit of space on one of the hard drives and I will try to remake the AV with smaller image files to see if that help.
  19. Thanks for trying to help me Igor but, other than file size, I can't see how me sending you one of the pictures would help.
  20. Could the problem be my old PC? It is lacking in memory and hard drive space
  21. Sorry but I don't know what ZIP archive is.
  22. No I haven't changed settings Jill and, strangely, if I do a "preview" of the sequence it looks perfect. Thanks for the suggestion though.
  23. Here is the start of the sequence (if it works) and the original image. So Cold Last Night (2).mp4
  24. I all, I have recently created two AV sequences that I am quite pleased with and would like to share them on social media. I only saved the sequences as EXE. files which don't work on Facebook. I did save the projects so I thought I would save them as videos (or other) but for some reason all the images have turned a strange colour (almost like a colour negative). I've tried starting again, as one sequence is fairly simple, but the images are strange colours as soon as I drop them on the timeline. Any thoughts? Thank you in advance
  25. I'm currently working on an AV where the image is not important, it is all about the transitions. I can't seem to get the transitions to start as soon as the new image is on-screen (seem to start after about 3 seconds).
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