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  1. Ok I have tried to rotated the slides with "Infraview' and canon's file utility but the slides still come up HORZ! These are from a canon 10d large files . Can you tell me how to get them to rotate correctly.
  2. Yes they are fine on line with PS CS and in the order I want them. But when I choose the same folder and add them to P2EXE the vertical one all go Horz on me. I need to change them, (rotate them) is there a way in P2EXE? Or do I need to make them all the same size in PS, like a square canvas, paste them into it? Then run P2EXE? Help ChuckB
  3. I made a web slide show in PS CS and want to give the bride a cd slide show also. But when I load the inages they are not rotated correctly. Any suggestions? Here is the slide show. :>) PS CS Slide show ChuckB
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