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Photo add

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Everything posted by Photo add

  1. I have now mirrored the users guide/help and it worked very well, took about 10 minutes. WinHTTrack is a very nice tool and I will most likely use it again in other areas. Thanks again jt49 and denwell.
  2. Thanks Igor I have done this with success. I actually knew this could be done but was hoping the network would be available in the file tree as my photography is stored in a large number of folders on the NAS and mapping all them is not very tidy. For now I can make this a work-around but is there a plan to provide the network in the file tree in a future version?? (fingers crossed). I understand you are the person behind this excellent piece of software. I'm sure I am not the only person who wish to thank you for your work and time.
  3. davegee -- There are many advantages to using a NAS unit to store your photographic work/collection. They are becoming very popular with all photographers in particular serious amateurs and professionals. After a little more use of PTE I find the Network NAS is found by default everywhere (right click a image in the timeline, File info, Changing image file, add or open an image in O&A, save or open a project and so on) except in the file tree. On setting up my new PC I have loaded 20 plus items of windows software some photographic and some for other applications. All but PTE have used the windows standard of showing the network entry in the file tree.
  4. Craig - Thanks, sorry but I don't read French. I speak a little after several pleasant visits there in the last 2 years. jt49 - That looks like a way to do it, I have downloaded the program/tool and will try it when I get time, thanks.
  5. The Online Users Guide is a great help for a new user, well done PTE team. I was wondering if it was possible to download it as a PDF or some other form of document for use when I am not online or connected to the NET?
  6. Thanks for the quick reply jkb however that only shows the drives on the PC and the special folders on that PC seg. desktop, downloads and so on, it dose not show the network or any of the network drives.
  7. I have loaded PTE v9 on my new win 10 PC and am very impresses at first look with what appears to be a very fine program. However my NAS photo storage unit on the network dose not show in the drive/file tree on the left of the screen, in fact the network entry is missing. In open or save and other areas the path to it is allowed so i assume PTE knows about the network. Am I doing something wrong or is there a setting to turn this on?
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