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Everything posted by Berny

  1. Hello, yes as usual in old form. Now I have again very nice 9 to 16 templates. Great thanks for sharing. Also the 16 to 9 templates are great. Makes you want more. Greetings
  2. Thank you for this wonderful template, It will be very useful in different slideshows. Nice that you share it with us. Greetings
  3. Dave, thanks so much for your work.
  4. Thanks, Alex very nice
  5. Berny


    Hello Igor, I wish you a relaxing vacation. Off to the mountains, that is always a pleasure even for me when you make a larger tour. Stay healthy and much, much fun! Greetings
  6. Thank, for this very nice Style.
  7. beautiful pictures, thank you I liked very much! Greeting
  8. Thank you for these templates. Here I can certainly learn some things again, where I did not get on before. Nice that you here in the forum provide us this. Greetings
  9. Thank you Alex, that you provide your beautiful templates to us. Am thrilled by what you create there again and again. Greetings Sorry for my translate English
  10. Hey Alex, Thank you very much for this beautiful performance. Am once again thrilled what you can create everything. Greetings
  11. Win 11 Pro and latest PTE 11 vers. on laptop. I use the hardware encoder?( hook) with 60 frames but also tested with 30 frames, runs without problems. Try to render it with other images, maybe something is wrong with an image or an audio file. Greetings
  12. Hi, miet - are you using Win 11 Pro and latest PTE 11 verse ? Do you use the hardware encoders?( hook) Greetings
  13. http://gumroad.com/thedom This is a purchase version, there will be no download. I will test it with my new laptop on Win 11 Pro and latest PTE 11 Vers. Greetings
  14. What a beautiful moment. Watch and enjoy. Thank you for this. Greetings
  15. Vielen Dank hat super geklappt. Ich suchte immer unter Export eine Exe erstellen.! Gruß Berny
  16. Hey jt49 Soll ich die Zip Datei von dem Projektordner z.B. Natur Pur mit Win Rar anlegen oder kann ich das aus PTE AV heraus? Mittlerweile erstelle ich von jedem Projekt einen eigen Arbeitsordner wie z.B Natur Pur. Berny
  17. Ist es möglich ein Diashow Projekt vom Laptop auf den Desktop PC zu übertragen ohne das ich die Inhalte( Musik, Fotos , Videos usw.) irgendwie wieder suchen muß? Habe mal die Exportfunktionen als EXE exportieren versucht, komme aber nicht weiter.Nur EXE vorhanden keine Daten. Gruß
  18. Thank you for these beautiful views, because it is gray in gray with us right now. Beautiful music and so also enjoyable to look at the time. Greetings
  19. Thank you for sharing. Wonderful Style! Berny
  20. Wonderful summer atmosphere. Thank you for this template. Greeting
  21. I created a slideshow in Ver.10.5 and then opened it in the 11 Ver. Here I also had to fix irregularities in the transitions. A certain transition was always moved to another slide location during rendering, even though I applied it to a certain slide. Then I deleted the transition completely from the program and checked my project again, everything looked fine without the transition. Unfortunately, when I rendered the finished movie, the transition appeared again, even though it shouldn't exist anymore. Now I have made a new slideshow in Ver. 11. Here the transition did not appear even after rendering! But if I have standard transitions (but is always automatically activated) come automatically different transitions. So not if I choose standard transitions with their own time (I would prefer as a standard). But maybe I'm doing something wrong there? Greetings Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
  22. Hello! Maybe this link will help: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=PTE+AV+Studio+10+and+Proshow+Producer further. Just browse through it. It is a bit time consuming, but some transitions or styles are also available here. Greetings
  23. Thank you for this beautiful celebratory moment in your show. I wish you and your family happy holidays and a happy new 2023.
  24. Oh very nice! Thanks
  25. Thank you for your effort and the beautiful transition. Greetings
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