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  1. Dear Lin This is brilliant. I downloaded your style and watched your excellent tutorial, then had a go and it works really well. Thank you so much for all the time and effort you have given to help me. Very best wishes Celia x
  2. Dear Lin Thank you so very much for all of this. I really appreciate all the time you have spent on this to help me. I will watch the tutorial this evening. Many many thanks again Much appreciation Celia x
  3. Hi Lin Here is my map.png Many thanks, best wishes, Celia x
  4. Hi Lin That sounds very complicated! I really appreciate all your help with this. I look forward to seeing the sample and will upload my map once finished. Very many thanks once again, Celia x
  5. Hi Dave I have only used the pagecurl already in pte. Best regards Celia
  6. Hi Lin I have downloaded the style you created and had a play with it. Many thanks. I am trying to create a story where a map appears, and rolls open (the map in the attachment is not finished yet!!) What I would like to achieve is a map rolling open over an image, so not with any moving text. I would like to be able to this over any image, i.e. with a transparent background. I cannot find anywhere to select a transparent background, only black or an image, so have selected the image, but the both the image and the scroll roll. So basically I am trying to get the scroll to be the only thing that rolls, not the background as well. Hope this explains OK. Many many thanks Celia MAP.mp4
  7. Hi Lin I have played around with this, thank you so much. I have one further question if I may. I have created a parchment paper and saved as .png that fills about 4/5 of the screen. First the whole screen rolled with a black background. Then I chose a background image rather than solid background (I chose the same image as the previous slide) but the background image and the scroll all roll at once which looks a bit odd. I just wondered if there was a way to just have the scroll png rolling over the previous background image. i.e. the image stays up and the scroll on its own rolls down? Any further help appreciated, as always.
  8. Thank you so much for this Lin x
  9. Hi I wonder if anybody could point me in the right direction to find a tutorial to help me make my photo roll out like opening a scroll/map to read it. It doesn't matter which way it rolls open. Failing that, then to have the photo unfolding. Any help with this is greatly appreciated. Many thanks. Celia
  10. That is brilliant! What I wanted was very similar, but not at an angle. Many thanks anyway and I really appreciate your time to try to help.
  11. Hi everyone I am looking for a transition/style that makes the photo wave like (dreamy). Photo 1 = present day, is followed by photo 2 = in the past (remembering back then) something that happened earlier in the AV I hope I have explained this ok for someone to help. Any help appreciated. Many thanks
  12. Dear Dave I am new to Photostoexe and would very much like to learn how to make text scroll on the right hand half of the screen only, over an image. Could you please let me know if you have or know of a tutorial. Appreciate any help you could give. Many thanks. Celia
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