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Everything posted by Pieter

  1. Thanks Dave, for your quick response. Pieter
  2. Hello all, In the filelist, the filenames of the used objects (pictures) get a light blue color. Except when I use a self-made (own) slidestyle that contains multiple photos. Then only the filename of the first picture is highlighted in light blue (main object = 1). The description of the other pictures used in the slidestyle do not get light blue in the filelist, even though they are in use. Am I doing something wrong? Regards, Pieter
  3. Thanks Barry, for your reply. I had searched the forum if this problem had already been reported. Apparently I did not search well enough. Scusi. Pieter
  4. Hi, On creation of a slidestyle, I gave the layers a meaningful name (at least for me, in Dutch ). When applying the slidestyle to other photos, some layernames have changed. Is it possible that the layers would retain the same name after applying the slidestyle ? Pieter
  5. Lin, Thanks for your advice. I've already played with the opacity settings but your tip to change the background color of the slide is a very good one too. I'll give it a go. Thanks jt49 for your reaction. Perhaps the Add and Screen blending modes can go on the backlog for one of the following versions of PTE? Kind regards. Pieter
  6. I would like to 'superimpose' a videofile (mp4, so no alpha channel) containing light leak effects onto some objects in a slide. In Adobe products (like After Effects and Premiere) you can use the blending mode "Add" to achieve this . Is such a blending mode also available in PTE9? If not, any suggestions on how to create this effect ? Pieter
  7. Thanks Dave, Very cool functionality. Pieter
  8. Thanks Igor. As Jill suggests, it would indeed even be better to be able to drag the time ranges to its values. Pieter
  9. For example: I have a slide with a duration of 5 seconds and a time range 0-2500 for an object in that slide. Than I adjust te slide duration to 10 seconds, of course with the scale keyframes box unticked in de slide options. I was hoping the result would be that the time range remains at 0-2500ms for that object, but it changed to 0-7500ms (so the extra 5 seconds duration were also added to the time range). The values in the time range boxes are updated accordingly, and show 0-7500. Pieter
  10. Thanks for your advice Dave. I'll keep that in mind. Pieter
  11. Hello, Another question regarding time range. In the slide options window is a checkbox called “Scale key frames in object (on time change)”. Unchecked this function ensures that keyframes remain at their absolute value when the duration of a slide is adjusted. This work perfectly. But, Is there also a possibility to make the “time range per object" absolute and thus leave its value unchanged when changing the duration of a slide? Thanks, Pieter
  12. Thanks davegee Problem solved. Pieter
  13. Hello, I'm a newbie to this forum and orienting myself on a switch from Proshow Producer 9 to PicturesToExe 9. I have already been able to find most functionality of PS9 in PTE (and much more). But there is a functionality that I have not yet been able to find in PTE9: the possibility to hide objects before the first keyframe and after the last keyframe. Or do I have to use 2 keyframes to do that (one with 0% opacity and one with 100% opacity close to each other) ? Thanks in advance for your reply. Pieter
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